I'm going to the mall and my friend is getting a haircut at the mall. We'll probably do other stuff there too. I'm super anxious to sit in the room with him while he's getting his haircut. I'm afraid all the strangers around me will know that I'm anxious and jittery, and give me some random (non-helpful) look at me. please can i get your feedback on this one.
I need some support: I'm going to the... - Anxiety and Depre...
I need some support

Get yourself a magazine to read …maybe off the top shelf
Good for you getting out again. I'm glad you continue to push through your anxiety
Do you have to stay in the room with your friend? Can you step out?
Malls are a great place to people watch. If someone is looking at you it's because that's what people do in a mall. Take nothing personally, it's just what people do
Try and enjoy yourself. Grab one of those warm pretzels if you have a place in there. I like the cinnamon ones
OMG Dolphin, that's the first thing I thought of (a cinnamon one at that) lol.
Good thing I checked the answers out before responding. xx
yeah i like the cinnamon ones too...it ended up that my friend needed an appointment to get a haircut and he didnt have one, so we just went to window shop in different stores
Not sure if you've already gone to the mall yet, but good for you! That's an awesome step getting out there. Like the others have responded, it's not unusual for people to be looking around or for you to look at them. Keep yourself busy with your friend. Hope it's going well!
Hey Eric! It’s good to see you’re back.
Best to you!
I deal with the same issues whenever I go around people. I cannot offer any tips other than trying to go easy on yourself and allowing yourself to make a mistake. Nobody is perfect and you have just as much right to be there as they do. Good for you that you are getting out.
hi Eric, thanks for reaching out to the community! You are brave to live your life as intended. Do the best you can when you can. It’s at your pace so don’t worry about what others are thinking. You just enjoy being you and finding out what works for you just like the rest of us. Hope you thrive!
I’ve been going through this recently. It’s my 3rd time. Luckily my Lexapro kicked in and therapy is really helping. That said I walked out of a school meeting. The hell with people around you. Go outside and. Collect your thoughts.
Good day this is roughly whats i am going thro i have now afd to have hair baranra come to my flat due to smell in these paces now copd/ amsa is getting bad now for me at 60 years old
U could try distraction like reading or cellphone. It hacks the brain to thinking of something else. Silent meditation works too.
Hi Eric, I'm sure people will not notice, and it would be helpful for you to take a few deep breaths, or any breaths at all. Read a magazine or look at your phone if you can't take an interet in hair cutting. Have a lovely day out with your friend.
I know your feeling and can empathize with you.
My go-to is smart phone games.
Solitaire, word stacks etc.
I lose myself in concentration; before I know it, the wait is over and my anxious suffering during the wait is squashed.
do some quiet breathing while you wait. You don’t have to close your eyes or count, just slowly inhale and slowly exhale. I try to do no less than 10 at a time. Consider this practice time. We need to practice breathing before we need it to calm ourselves. Also, if sitting is too hard, stroll outside the barbers and get a little exercise. You will be okay.
I bet alot of the people you think are looking at you are experiencing the same thing you are. Remember you are not alone. This support group is great for sharing what ever you want to. It will get better. This too shall pass.
How did it go Eric. Did you go with your friend to get a haircut? I know you can do it.
I would think of all the positive thoughts and feelings you have taking this trip.(errand)If you start with the anxiousness, change your thought process and redefine subject of thought. This can be done visually, written or verbally as examples
Seems to me, you are continuing with this challege. Good for you!