l have terrible anxiety this morning and feel so scared. I have health anxiety and have recently been diagnosed as borderline anaemia which has set off alarm bells for having something serious to cause this. I have blurred vision right now which is frightening. Does anyone get blurred vision very bad? I feel faint with anxiety. I feel l can’t cope. Thanks.
Help please: l have terrible anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...
Help please

Hi. Am sorry you are undergoing this. Take deep breaths to help with the anxiety. Hugs!!
Thank you. I am so stressed with how l feel. Thanks for your words of calm which help me stop feeling like l am going to die. I have dizzy lightheaded feelings too. I have had many tests over the last 12 months but still feel anxious with the way l feel. I will speak with gp as you suggest. I can’t walk very far as have arthritis in knees and legs but the dizziness would make me fearful to go out. I am frightened at everything at the moment. 🥰
Hello Cavalierrubie.....i can assure you, you are not alone with troubling anxiety, it wears you down and exhausts you, and strangely i recently have experienced blurred vision, really quite bad, and it scares me if i'm out driving. The only thing i can do is just rest and pray it goes away. I don't know the answer, but i hope you soon feel much better.
Hi Cavalierrubie,Others have focused on anxiety so I will write about my experiences of anaemia.
The condition is usually caused by a lack of iron in the diet.
Your doctor should rule out any other conditions first of all.
Low levels can be boosted by diet change first, iron tablets second and thirdly, iron infusions.
If you want a quicker result ask for tablets and don't forget Vitamin C to aid with absorption.
The brand I am familiar with and had success is Coloxyl+Vitamin C.
Health anxiety is common when we find our body is not working as well as it should be.
Learning more about the condition, treatment options and expected outcomes e.g recovery helps the patient alot.
I hope you are feeling better in body and mind soon 🐈⬛
Thanks. I don’t think we get that medication here. I am in UK. It is worrying that myGP hasn’t bothered with the cause of my anaemia. I have never had a problem before and have very good healthy balanced diet. I am not sure if this is anxiety or some serious illness. Thanks for your time.
It's me again.I have to say that I took Coloxyl after the iron tablets made me constipated.
Some of the symptoms of anxiety and anaemia are shared e.g. dizziness and shortness of breath.
This why your doctor should consider whether you have anxiety or one of the 10 types of anaemia. Request a blood test.
I admit it's difficult to be an effective advocate for our own health when we are stressed or anxious.
I tackle this by taking a friend to the appointment and taking two copies of questions I want to ask, one for doctor and one for me.
It's simple but effective.
I assumed it is iron deficiency aneamia. I take medications which l believe can deplete the body of iron, but they are lifelong and necessary. I see the point you are making and after a few weeks on iron supplements l intend to ask for a blood test. It’s the way l feel that is frightening. I used to be so healthy and full of vitality, so something is making me very ill. Thanks for trying to help. 🥰 Ps. What caused your anaemia?
Hello- I'm sorry for all of this. Try to find something to distract you. Like others have said deep breaths, a tv show to get absorbed in, listen to music. I have anxiety too. Someone to talk to.
Thank you. I am so frightened and l just sit and shake. I am convinced l have some terminal illness to feel like this and have such a hard time trying to convince myself that l am not going to die.
Hi, I have morning anxiety every single day. I wears off around 5pm. The psych dr and therapist can't tell me why this happens so I just look forward to 5pm every day. I have recently learned that deep breathing into the belly is helpful. Layd down and breathe deep until your belly expands. Then blow it out slowly. I need to find some soothing music to listen to while doing it or an app or something but the breathing does help. Do you have an anti anxiety meds you can take? If not, maybe you should ask your doctor for some until you get through this issue. We are always here for you.

Thank you. I am the same. The mornings are unbearable and l just can’t do a thing until l calm down later on. Every morning is like l have to go to the gallows and l feel like l am going to die. Thank you for being there. Xxx
Hello Cavalierrubie I am going through the same thing right now so its interesting to see your post. I don’t know if its anxiety, anemia or something serious but my heart is beating really fast and I am short of breath as well. I try to find something to focus on but that only slightly helps and once I’m done the anxiety comes right back. Its also hard for me to do things as I have arthritis in my back and knees. Please know you are not alone and I’m here to chat or share what I find out any time.
Thank you. You sound like my twin! I am really sorry to hear someone else is suffering this terrible time. I had the most terrifying morning and now l am so down and depressed. It has been a horrible day, but l am really grateful for you getting in touch and that l am not alone. I don’t know why l am anaemic, that is the worrying part. I will put you on “follow” then we can keep in touch. Thank you xxx
Yes I was thinking the same thing - we are twins! I too think I'm anemic and was taking iron pills for a while but wasn't sure if they helped. Thing is, if I am, I’m not sure what’s causing it. I've also been thinking of going to a cardiologist but am not sure if this is truly a heart problem or just anxiety. In reading another post they mentioned a book by Claire Weekes, “Hope and Help for Nerves” and it sounds so helpful I’m going to get it. Yes stay in touch and let me know what you find out. Hopefully we can help each other.
I got that book. It’s brilliant. She had panic attacks when she was a small child so knew what we go through. I will let you know how l go. It could be medications, they sometimes deplete the body of iron. I am waiting for appointment with Gastroenterology as l have hiatus hernia and stomach acid reflux. It is very stressful not knowing. I eat well but not been feeling great for some time. Hope you soon get answers. Keep in touch. Take care.
Yes it is very helpful. She changed mental health forever and helped so many people. Her method is to face, accept and let time pass. It has to be practiced but she is so positive in her approach. You must get the book. Have you been on the web page anxietycentre.com ? If you scroll on the menu at top right hand corner of the page you will find a list of symptoms that will amaze you and probably help. It’s reassuring when you feel weird. It’s so hard work dealing with all this on top of physical illness and makes everything worse. I have been in despair today and it makes me lose hope. Take care and wish you free of this. Xxx