I'm currently studying medicine in the hopes of becoming a doctor. But honestly, my family members are more excited of me learning medicine than I am.
I've come to realise my passion is not here. I've tried telling my mother, but I know it broke her heart. So I immediately took my back my words. For her, I probably said all those things due to stress.
But my passion is in writing. And I also have another problem. I'm on scholarship so I just can't bail out
I keep reminding myself a lot pf people didn't get this opportunity. Other people who are passionate in medicine didn't get the chance that I have. So I should not waste it. Keep my head down and drown myself in this field.
To keep myself going through the day however, I promise myself once I've graduated and paid my loans (I'm tied to a contract entitled to a few years of working to pay off the debts), I would quit and pursue writing.
Hopefully I've saved enough money by then if anything goes south.
But does my plan make me a bad person. Being a doctor just so that I could pay my debts?