I'm a middle aged guy with no friends and family to help support me. I feel lost and alone in this world.
Loneliness and addiction : I'm a middle... - Anxiety and Depre...
Loneliness and addiction

welcome aboard mate 37 is no way middle aged that`s my range you have plenty more youthful years ahead of you.
You are not alone. I have no friends nor family to support me either.
hi welcome here’s a post with great suggestions about posting
5 whip lashes for the cheek.
Hi SmoothieLover1. First of all, thank you for your service.
I'd also like to Welcome you to this caring and understanding community.
You are no longer alone new friend xx
I felt alone.but since joining this forum it has taken some of the loneliness away.as someone is always on here to chat.lovely people on here.im just very sad and not in a good place at the mo.had to have my fur baby put to sleep Thursday.Chat on here as much as you need to. Don't be alone x
Hi SmoothieLover1,
I just saw your post and thought I'd say hello. I too struggle with loneliness and addiction (I'm a sober guy). Whether around people or not, I can feel all alone in a room full of people. Like everyone else is connected but somehow I am not. Like there's something about it all that I'm just not getting. And when I really am alone, well, the loneliness is even deeper and the negative thoughts are even more intense.
I go to twelve step meetings and they are generally helpful. If for no other reason, just to be around other people. I can easily feel disconnected at meetings though, too. It just depends. Do you attend any meetings or work any type of program for the addiction that you struggle with? No judgement if you don't, there's certainly more than one way to skin a cat and the twelve step way is not for everyone. Just thought I'd ask.
Hi SmoothieLover! You aren’t alone on here.
I'm in the same boat as you. I only have my partner. Don't really have much of a family anymore. Most have passed away or stopped having contact when my parents divorced. My dad has been having medical issues and I haven't seen much of him.
My friends are off leading more exciting lives. I've texted message them some time ago and they haven't responded. The only friend I have in town will be moving away soon.
Sorry to hear about you’re Anxiety l understand that overwhelm or worries can elevate our negative emotive and reactions, the need for purposeful and meaningful outcomes within a positive process mindfulness rests at the core of reality. to find the assurance within self care having a plan of action small steps to lighten our burdens communication be it through mediation with like wise people talking groups social connections their are many of these that can help talking help lines free which will be in the phone book or online if you Google or ask for support from mediators doctors receptionist will direct they all offer help and will help embrace any challenges stressors of life are often negative past times that can be overcome with positive belief habits and self worth courage to believe in self worth you are more than enough conquerer. make connections like wise will surely remove that isolation and get you connected to a higher purpose and meaningful content hope you can move forward and find joy peace and relativity believe faith be it spiritual or compassion or talk talk is hope in the midst of things God bless keep save
How often did you make an effort to reach out to other people
before concluding that people seem to treat you as if you're invisible or that they have judged you before taking the time to engage with you?
People really don't pick up for me I've tried it before so ima have to find some way to meet new people
Trust me,
There's hope for you, even though you seem to write yourself off.
For example, charities work for the benefit of (people) lacking the basics, and many people are in need.
Likewise, if you try not to lose hope, and you try and get on with your life, even if you don't yet have a girlfriend, etc, one day, (maybe not as soon as you want) a day will come when your need will be met.
As long as you try not to lose hope or write yourself off as unworthy,
you'll find someone and she may be the one for you.
Then, you can look back and see that hope is always out there, we just have to try to keep going and try not to write ourselves off, because I'm sure you have qualities that others will appreciate.
Thank you
Just checking in on you this Sunday. Are you okay?
Remember the light is always on when you need a friend. xx
It must be very hard. You have a family here.
I fully understand. I feel very alone with my health and mental journey. Some days I wonder if anyone really cares about me. I have a narcissistic mother and other relatives that check in as they feel they want to. Some days I gain strength in decisions that I make to be a better person mentally or physically. For example, I went on over a 3 mile walk around a lake the other day and I did even think I was up for it. I am having BP issues mostly from lifes drama, but decided to begin a healthly routine of fresh berries, beets and low sodium. My point is somethings we can make better, but it take time. There is no quick fix to feeling down and alone. We make our journey and chose how to make it better. Not ever day is great, but find something good in each day and make it your own!