I think my depression began really like four years ago. I got divorced. And I literally hate being alone. Living alone doing everything alone. I guess 2020 really brought out the worst in now I am suffering from major anxiety. I can barely make it through the work week. And I’m freaking out I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I’m also trying to decide if I should sell my house and downsize. I have so much on my mind and I have to decide mostly by myself. I have grown kids but they have their own life and it’s hard but they are trying to help me. It’s still not the same I’m alone every day. I wish someone lived here with me. The worst part is being alone I don’t have very many friends due to putting energy into my marriage my whole life. I’ve always been shy and introverted. People would never know it to see me. I look like I have it all together. But not the case. Probably makes it even worse. I’m not putting myself out there. I keep thinking that if I had more friends I’d be fine. But why can’t I just be fine by myself find the security within myself. There’s something missing and this anxiety is making me really look at it. I’m trying meditation and trying all kinds of things but it’s the anxiety still comes up in the afternoons. It’s really intense. I’m glad I found this site seems to be helping and seeing other people experiencing the same and also it’s good to hear that it can get better..
Loneliness and Anxiety : I think my... - Anxiety and Depre...
Loneliness and Anxiety
Hi 👋 this is Shnookie. Welcome 🙏 to our group. We R here to support U. Sorry 😐 U R going thru this anxiety. Do U see a therapist ? R U on any meds ? 2020 was also a hellacious year 4 me and many many others. Of course it’s great finding solace within yourself. But as the old expression says, no man is an island. U can also contact
NAMI - peer mentor group located all across the U.S. I’m here 4 U
Hugs 🤗 S
Thank you Think I need a better therapist
Have a psychiatrist appointment couple weeks. To discuss meds
But that’s too far off seems
Ativan I just started.
I joined this group to connect with people who have gone through hard times too. Most folk don't understand as our "illness" is invisible (especially if you put a mask over it, like a lot of us do). Feel free to message me even if you just want to chat as we need to talk. Best wishes.
Thank yiu
Hi Ray. It’s Shnookie. Welcome 🙏 to our group. U R correct about the Invisible“Illness”. I’m tired 😓 at times when I’m watching local news and someone is accused of a crime and the report says
the alleged perpetrator has been diagnosed as being Bipolar !! It perpetuates the myth
the we cannot have functions productive
lives. I’m here for U
Hugs 🤗 S
Hi Capegirl1 ,I am here for you if you need to talk of anything ..just drop a line ..
Thank you
Hello your not alone. Saying hello. X
Sounds familiar, I don’t like being alone either. Seems like i have social anxiety to the point of not wanting to out and meet people even though I want to be around somebody. It is very frustrating for me. I have a hard time figuring out what to say to people to “break the ice”. Take care!

Welcome, Capegirl1. Covid is known for ravaging physical health. Often overlooked is the mental and emotional toll it has taken. For many of us whatever we’re struggling with emotionally is multiplied a hundred times by the isolation enforced by the virus. It helps to remember that if you’re not only feeling acute anxiety but blaming yourself at all for feeling it.
I so understand what you are feeling... and I’m so sorry you are going thru this maybe a room mate would be an idea? Do t know but I think loneliness is one of the worst feelings. Btw, you can be very lonely next to someone as well.... that is what I had ... so now we are temporarily separating... and I need to see where I stand, he stands and if it’s worth the troubles.... it’s hard when u feel that deep loneliness.... did u ever think about dating again? Or even just for pure companionship?I have strong anxiety during the day and it exacerbates all neg feelings. Crushing loneliness is one of them........
Good luck to you
I think this year we are all in the same boat....
We are here to support one another.
Reach out if you feel like chatting