I had another anxiety attack. I tried to talk to my significant other about it but I could tell something was off Having anxiety and feeling alone well at least for me I tend to cling to something that makes me happy which is her anyways long story short she isn’t happy w me being so codependent any tips for accepting that you have to be alone and you have to go through the attacks alone
Loneliness and codependency - Anxiety and Depre...
Loneliness and codependency

I think it is hard for our significant others. You are young, this is probably a pretty new relationship? Try to find other support systems for yourself. It would be best if you have a few and that some are professionals. Some ideas are therapists, doctors, psychiatrist, other friends, church or synagogue, older mentor at work, an older neighbor or relative. I think one of our tasks it to widen our sphere of support so we aren't trying to do everything alone or expecting one person to handle all of your needs. Find ways to spread that out.

We’ve been together for three years and my anxiety has always kind of been there so my significant other is well aware but recently this past year it’s been getting out of hand and I admit I scare myself to so I can understand if they think I’m to much to handle but I really don’t have any other family and friends have grown apart I don’t know where to meet new friends or people to talk to and the place I work there’s no one but one other person on my shift
Bummer there aren't more people at your work. Does your work have good enough insurance to get help that way?

Nope :/ there’s one person who I got close to but she’s moving in a couple of days and I think they do offer insurance but I haven’t been here king enough to qualify
Still thinking about you RainbowKitty... I really hope you find some relief soon.

Thank you socialpoppy I found a little relief yesterday I had a really amazing day with minimal anxiety or depression thank you for your kindness
well, I think this is something you should talk to your therapist about. The therapist can teach you coping skills to get control. It might be breathing techniques, DBT, mindfulness, it is different with everyone. You have to find what works for you.
Hello, I also talked about this problems some days ago. I feel so lonely and don’t really have friends, and I’m codependent of my boyfriend. There’s a really long thread I will share a link with you, it might help. A lot of kind and good people advised me about the situation so I hope you find some answers too. Wish you all the best ❤️