Hi everyone. Does anyone here suffer from extreme morning anxiety? At night when I go to bed I feel fine and I’m able to get to sleep. But I wake at 3:30 or 4:00 with a worried and anxious mind. I don’t want to go on like this and I have no one to talk to except my phychiatrist. I just want to give up, I don’t have a family or a close friend and it really bothers me. I’m sorry if I don’t respond back right away. I’m writing this before I head to work.
Anxiety and loneliness : Hi everyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and loneliness

It is very strange that many people wake up early morning between 3;00-4;00 am I wake up at the same time, I put it down to a week bladder and wanting the toilet, although I was reading the same on You Tube. It may be when you awake, your brain is still active and you will have problems going to sleep. Eating supper to late in the evening can cause additional problems when the body cannot digest food, Heavy drinking can also cause sleep problems and make you wake up and pee to get rid of those fluids
Suffering Low Mood as you wake up when going to work, can also be put down to being worried regards your job, Are you having worries performing these or other tasks.

Hi Bob. I do have a bad habit of drinking two beers and snacking before I go to bed. It’s something I’ve been doing for years, I just find it hard to just sit and watch tv or go online at night without eating and having a couple of drinks. I do wonder if this could be the cause. Also I’m worried that if something happened to me, whether an accident or sickness I have no one to help me. I’m constantly worried about a catastrophe.
I have an understanding GP, I have a beer and triple Malt Wiskey two nights a week, sometimes three times The Malt was a double i night a week with a Scottish Export. I had to cut my Beer down to one a night and have my Malt two times a week. The beer was reduced because She advise I have a Malt twice a week. So I did what I was told.
Now I have a triple and beer twice a week, I also liked a glass of Cider once a week that was stopped as it can make us put on weight.
I never eat after eight thirty in the evening. Drinking however does make us get up around 3;00 in the morning.
We need some form of diversion however I never go past what was advised.
I have cat 3 Kidney Disorder and now I understand we have to be careful how and when we drink.
I noticed when I stopped drinking my anxiety was much better. My insomnia went away when I didnt drink before bed.
thats interesting, its quite diff to really know all our interractions with alcohol tea coffee etc, more than we realise!
Over summer I was having a really tough time with anxiety spiking at night when I went to bed. And it started to become so bad that Id be constantly drained and feeling sick which made my anxiety worse in general 24/7. So for 6 weeks I elimitated alchohol and was careful about caffiene. I started to drink sleepy time tea with a magnesium tablet before bed. I also tried to start relaxing by 8:30pm. It was like a 180! I started to feel so much better. Now, I just try to keep up with good habbits.
You are not alone. Mornings bring on a knot in my stomack and many tears rolling down my face. I never used to be this way, but not working and being a full-time caretaker for my elderly mother brought this on. I worry all the time about what am I going to do without her when she is gone, and what am I going to do as far as employment goes. Will I make it financially. I don't have anyone to talk to either. It gets very lonely.
Hi Diane. I know how it feels to be alone. I to care for my elderly aunt but thank goodness she can take care of herself for now, but that won’t last forever. I’m able to work and that’s the only time I socialize with anyone. It’s scary being alone and not having one person to talk to. Like you I worry all the time about what will become of me. If one thing goes wrong I could lose everything. Yes the mornings are always the worst time for me my anxiety won’t leave me alone.
Your doing a good thing being your mothers caregiver, and I’m sure she loves you and would want you to be happy.
Take care Diane. You can message me anytime.
Hi Don,
Thanks for the reply. I too am not married anymore and have no children. My mom is my life and I see her slowly fading away. I have siblings, but we don't get along very well. If I only knew how to shut off the worry button, I'd be okay. Meds are helping. I know I need to train my brain to think about today only. Not an easy thing to do. Please feel free to write back. It would be nice to have something to look forward to.
Hi Diane, yes it is nice to have something to look forward to. My Aunt is all I have now, so many are gone, and many others I’ve lost touch with years ago. I wish I could turn back the time a bit and talk to those I’ve lost one last time. Everything I do Im alone. I’m not looking forward to Christmas, it’s not the same. I like to think back to happier times, when I had no worries and had family and friends around. I never got married, and like you have no children. I do have a half sister but she’s 16 years younger than me and we weren’t raised together. We used to be close years ago. My Dad would bring her to NJ and we would go places. The thing is, back then, I never thought those times would end. I live in the past I know, my phychiatrist has told me that, but it’s all I got.
Take care of yourself Diane and I hope you enjoy the good moments with your mom.
You don't live in the past; those are your memories. We all wish we could go back in time and change things. We can't change the past but we can change the future. Do you have any hobbies or clubs that you belong too? I have lots of hobbies, but get tired of doing them. I miss working terribly. I was laid off from my job a year ago at which time my mother could no longer be alone. I am a firm believer that God will open a window of opportunity when the time is right. He will open some windows for you too. Just believe.
I try to believe that god listens to me. But why would he? I don’t go to church even though I was raised Catholic and went every Sunday with my Grandmother. But I grew away from the Church and became disenchanted with religion as a young adult. I suppose I’d would have gone back if I got married and had kids. I like photography and I used to freelance many years ago. And I like getting lost in art museums sometimes it gives me inspiration. What I do mostly is street photography But I do get tired of it, it’s just not leading anywhere. I post a lot of it on Instagram lol.. that’s what it’s come too.
What kind of hobbies do you enjoy?
Your a strong person Diane to be taking care of your mom and I’m sure your faith gives you strength. Thanks for having faith in me.
Please write back whenever you can.
God loves you, and God listens to you too. You don't need to go to church or be a holy roller. If you have a good heart, that is all that matters.
Don't have regrets about not getting married or having kids. There's a reason why, but perhaps you didn't figure that out yet. Holy heck, I tried it twice and things just didn't work out. But I do know that I as meant to take care of my mother. My father passed
away when I was eight years old of leukemia.
Photography is a great hobby. It would be a blast doing wedding pictures or prom pictures. Maybe one day I'll see your work on instagram.
I like to crochet and work with beads making ornaments and jewelry. One day I hope to sell my wares at craft shows. I love to walk, but can't do much of that under my circumstances.
Thanks for saying I am strong. I really don't feel like it sometimes. Yesterday I cried half the day and really don't know why. I take meds for my nerves and depression - but who doesn't, right?
And I do have faith in you. You just need something to smile about. It helps.
Have a good night and talk soon.
Hi Diane. I hope you had a nice Christmas. Mine was okay, I went to my cousins house for brunch. Thank you for the nice message and I’m happy you have a good hobby that you enjoy. I bet your work is beautiful and very creative, it gives us with anxiety and depression a good creative outlet something to focus our worried minds on. I bet you would do great selling your stuff you should definitely do it.
So how was your Christmas? As for me I’m glad it’s done. It brings back a lot of memories of when I was young and happy, living with my grandparents. And I had a lot of cousins around. Times were different then. I’ll tell ya, I would much rather be a kid back then in the 1970’s then now. We knew how to go out and have fun.
I hope your day goes well today.
Good Morning Don,
Happy Friday! Well Christmas was a bit depressing as I figured it would be. Two of my brothers popped in around 12:30 and left by 2:00. The rest of the day was mom and me.
You are right about Christmases along time ago. We would all go to Grandma's house. There was a bunch of us cousins back then. We had so much fun playing cards and telling jokes. Makes me sad now.
Have a great weekend, any special plans?
Good morning Diane. I hope your day goes well. I’m just feeling very lonely. Longing for the time when I was younger and had so much family around. I felt secure and happy being with my grandparents who raised me, but that was so long ago. They loved me as one of their own. I know they worried about what would become of me. Anyway no plans for today, I might go out and take some pics later.
How about you?
Whatever you do I hope you find moments of happiness. We all need that.
Hello Don,
My heart aches for you as I wish I could help. Sometimes these little emails help as they have given me something to look forward too. My problem is isolation. I can't go anywhere, and I go absolutely stir crazy. Looking at my life, I have always been a bit of a loner. I like my freedom of being able to go out somewhere and have the freedom of spending my own money. I am quite fine going out by myself. Perhaps God will bless be with a partner to pal around with one day. So the solution is to put mom in a home and get a job. I made a promise to my mother that she would never go into a nursing home as long as I can help it. There are days I wish I was dead because I cannot handle this anxiety anymore. Does anyone understand?
My car got hit last week as some young lady decided to put her SUV in reverse and slammed into the front of my car. My car is 18 years old, and because of that, there is a possibility that it could be totaled. I can't even comprehend how a running car can be totaled. Mechanically there is nothing wrong with it. Just cosmetic things need fixed. I drop the car off on Monday for repairs to begin.
If the car is not totaled and gets fixed, I may take an online class through a local community college. Or I buy a car. God help me.
Well thank you for letting me spill by guts out. You can send me your bill.
Take care,
Normally, my anxiety attacks come between 1-2am. I've tried journaling at that time - seems to help get my anxious thoughts out of my head and on paper where I can analyze them and put them to rest so that I can get more rest.
I definitely have morning anxiety like a lot of people do. I think it's normal because we are nervous about the day ahead of us, whether it's work, hobbies, sitting around. You can talk to your psychiatrist and maybe get something prescribed. Also, maybe talk to a therapist. I understand about having no friends. They are hard to find!! Maybe you can connect with someone at work?
Thank you. I’m currently on Xanax XR and Celexa, also I take Mirtazapine to help get to sleep. I just wake up so early with terrible anxiety and my mind worries so much. I feel I’m running out of time to have a better life. And all it takes is one thing to go wrong and I’ll completely unravel. That’s how tenuous my life is. feel so lonely.
I relate to this. Im 31 and thought Id never see the day when Id be able to live a happy healthy live. My anxiety has taken so much from me. But, its never too late to succeed♡💫
Dont lose hope.
I have anxiety sometimes before bed really bad. I used to suffer from insomnia. And sometimes in the morning, driving to work. Its frusterating because I cant really pin point why I get shakey, I think it may just be caffiene from my morning coffee. Once I get to work and Im busy/distracted it will go away.
i relate to most of what you say, i tend to feel terrible when i wake for the day haven woken couple times in night, i sometimes take a herbal anti-stress tab, i do sleep, but often suicidal in mornings,you have to follow your regime,it is what keeps you going, think of evening,when yoi'll feel better, plan your meal,its like half a life i know, but we could be worse !
I wake up with anxiety. It’s very upsetting. I try to read positive and good things before I go to bed so I have all that in my mind before I go to sleep. I’ve also been meditating in the mornings but I still have the anxiety. Do you have unresolved issues in your life? That is the reason for my anxiety. I have a lot going on.
I don’t know if I have any unresolved issues. I lost my mother when I was 11 days old and was raised by my loving grandparents whom I always considered my parents. They passed over 20 years ago. My girlfriend passed in 2010 after a long illness we were together for over 8 years. There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think of her. My Dad passed in 2014
So yeah I’ve had losses but being human we all have. This morning anxiety and insomnia started all of the sudden about two years ago.
I worry constantly about my job. Mostly about my car which has over 150,000 miles which is my only way of getting to my job which is 32 miles from home. If and when my car dies I can’t afford a new one. So what do I do then? It’s only a matter of time. I lose my car, I lose my job, I lose my home. It’s a cascading effect.
As for retiring early, that won’t happen. I didn’t plan for anything years ago when I had time, now I’m 54 with very little in retirement, and stuck in a job I don’t like. And I have no one to blame but myself.
Thanks for you message. I read it several times. I just feel like a loser, with no close family or friends. I’m embarrassed by my situation, everyone in my family are successful and happy. My cousins are all married and have kids and good jobs. I dropped out of college three times. I went in the coast guard but was medically honorably discharged after 10 days! And I’ve had a lot of dead end jobs. It all leads to the life I live today, I didn’t listen much to those who wanted to help, mostly my grandparents who raised me. I drifted through life.
The only thing I’m good at is photography. I freelanced for 6 years back in the 90’s for several newspapers, I loved photojournalism. But as newspapers closed or were bought out I lost my contacts. And I always had a self confidence problem and anxiety that hindered me from being more assertive. I was lucky to have a friend and mentor who was a photo editor and often told me that I was very good creatively but lacked the aggressiveness to be a great photographer. My lack of confidence held me back. But he gave me lots of assignments and challenged and encouraged me to move forward. But he lost his job in ‘95 after the paper in north Jersey was bought out. as a result Ibecame disenchanted and gave up.
Well I suppose that’s enough from me. Thank you again for your wonderful message.
I think what you do for abused young people is a honorable profession, and you made a difference in the lives of those who are most vulnerable and troubled, that’s a noble life to live.
It sounds like you are down on yourself and self confidence. I have the same issues with self confidence and am working on building a better relationship with myself to build confidence. We are all human. Accept yourself, be good to yourself and love yourself.
Yes. I have the same issue. I go to bed ok but then wake up 2 or 3 hours early in morning brfore I have to get up. While I lay awake in bed my anxiety and fear is at an all time high. My mind races. I worry about everything. I try every trick in the book to distract my mind and fall back to sleep but nothing works. So then I start the day with high anxiety and being tired. Which makes concentration and cognitive skills decline. I hate this feeling of anxiety and dispair. I suffer from physical effects from the anxiety such as shaking, muscle tightness. Stomach issues. Sometimes my leg muscles tighten up so much I have trouble walking. I will walk with a limp. People will ask me if I hurt my leg or something. The more anxiety I feel the worse it gets. It sucks.
I could have written this. Everything you mentioned I also experience. I envy those who can sleep in, and wake with a smile on their face, or even be able to take a nap. All those things I was able to do. I avoid looking in the mirror my insomnia has taken its toll Ijust look tired all the time. I also notice a decline in my cognitive skills and concentrating on anything is a chore. I’m shaky and tense and I do a lot of pacing around mumbling to myself, good grief. My mind like yours just won’t shut up, constantly cascading from one negative thought to another. I’m afraid I’m heading towards a heart attack or stroke or at the very least a nervous breakdown. I don’t have the answers. I’m on Xanax ER, which does help but I’m afraid I’m addicted to it. The time thing is later in the day I’m fine, like now I feel okay.
Thanks Ken for your reply. I hope for our sake we can find some peace.
Negative thoughts non stop ..paceing I also do in extreeme mode I have a tremendous fear of death scared of heart attack or stroke ..I have anxiety disorder..panic disorder ..borderline personality disorder. .gawd knows what else ..I have hi blood pressure and tachycardia.. I was on xanax but didnt agree with me no meds actually work ..tried weed a bunch .just made it worse my anxiety...I have depression but not suicidal cuz scared of death ..I have anorexia for 20 plus years off and on ..a spoonful of raw honey from Walmart helps a short while for me and childrens tylenol works for a short time with the anxiety..I'm 40 years old ....
I know how you feel, I have lots of negative thoughts. Especially nowadays my anxiety is very high with all that’s going on. I have many of the same fears you mentioned, fear of a heart attack or a stroke is way up there. I have generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety plus depression. I’m keep thinking at any moment something bad will happen. And my anxiety has been very bad since the Coronavirus started spreading in this country. I’m alone and have no one to talk to. It’s scary. You can message me anytime you like if you want too.
My sleep schedule is non-existent; I sleep when I want as long as I can, usually in two to three hour bursts. So when I do sleep it's usually deep, then light, then REM sleep. When I awake it's a blow to my system for some reason. May be because I'd rather not awaken. Still my heartbeat races and my anxiety slowly starts rising. So when I awake I immediately take a half-dose of xanax, leaving the other half for later in case the first half doesn't cut it. Usually about an hour later it's going down the hatch as well. Sleep comes easier but still I do have to take at least a half-milligram before bed to slow down my racing thoughts. I have an uncommon way of distracting my mind into a different life, so much better, and following a made-up story that leads me to blissful sleep. I know it's my brain playing a trick on itself but it works for me. Like when you feel like bad guys are chasing you in a dream but you cannot run. For some reason my mind said well why not fly? So I grew wings and fly up into the top of a high tree and watched in POV as I rose and settled onto a limb as the bad guys gathered around the tree at the bottom open-mouthed in disbelief. They have guns? I'm bulletproof and have Sidewinder missiles. Yeah I know, bizarre as hell. Whatever works.
Your a good person for taking care of your mother. It says a lot about the type of person you are to make that kind of sacrifice for her. I’ve also been a bit of a loner, when I was younger I only had a couple of close friends, but I think there’s a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. We all need someone we can confide in, who will listen. Unfortunately I don’t have anyone to talk to, I can’t remember the last time someone came to visit. My elderly aunt lives with me, it’s a long story but she had no where else to go. So I understand a little bit about taking care of a loved one, and I thank God she can still take care of herself, for the most part.
How is your car doing? Did they damage the headlights? If not and it runs fine then don’t worry about it. Having a bit of cosmetic damage is badge of honor for old car. My car is a 2009 Toyota and still runs good. New cars are so expensive, I know eventually I’ll have to get a new one but I don’t want to think about it.
Anyway I know how it feels to be lonely Denise. I wish I had someone to just hang out with, someone to talk to. And I’ve also wished I was dead sometimes. I think a lot of us think it once in a while. It’s the anxiety and depression and the loneliness that brings those thoughts on.
Well I have to get a move on. Another day of work awaits.
Take care of yourself Denise. Let me know how your car is.
Me ..that's me too 100 ..morning till about 130ish 2pm starts too slowly die down ..sucks cuz usually when I'm in extreeme mode I over eat..and regret feeling full at about 530ish beer 30 haha
I get the same thing as soon as I wake up. Its the hardest time of the day for some reason. It takes a couple of hours to lessen. I totally understand. Hope you are well ♥️
During my breakdown the anxiety in the morning was the worst. I woke up terrified of the day. It wasn't until the counseling and meds started to work that it started getting under control. If my experience is worth anything there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Mornings now are my favorite times. Hang in there.
I’m sorry I didn’t reply earlier. I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t post much because I don’t think people want to hear me anymore. My mornings are horrible, filled with dread and worry. However I start to feel better in the afternoon, and by the evening I’m doing okay. I’m happy you found some peace and thank you again for your encouragement.
Don't worry about people not wanting to hear you. That's what this site is for - to get our feelings out of our own heads. Somehow that makes us feel better. And you help other people by letting them know they aren't alone with their struggles. In fact, post every morning that you feel like crap. What can it hurt?