My mom's constantly telling me how terrible her life is and what burden i am. Today grandparents called for one minute and she went crazy and caused a scandal. Because when they asked me if i have a fever, i said I'm getting better instead of no. I was competeing with her, i had to have it worse. She had a surgery on her knee and walked and here i am being "served". It's a virus i caught and infected her but she thinks she was so stressed that she got sick. Waking up every two hours. Just vomited. My therapist took out my co-worker discount and doesn't understand i need to be alone because if for one minute talk, mom got furious, imagine 45 minutes where i want to talk about her. It sucks so much - the knee, the illness, my mom's abuse.
Wondering if i should get BetterHelp or something like that. For my therapist i will have to pay 25$ for a session (which is once per two weeks probably), for BetterHelp i will pay 65$ a week. But in Bulgarian money it's double so 50 vs 130. And i will graduate soon so i need savings. American therapists understand me better, are always there and it happens through chat, but my savings are melting and soon i will have no studies which means no more money from dad and how am i supposed to live away from mom. Recently payed a lot of bullshit with my bank account, trying to get better and im worried i will have to use it to pay rent while if i want to stay outside mom's. I'm no longer having any income - no more schoolarship in master's. I'm wondering if therapy can help at all, it's just so messed up here. Mom's just telling me how everything sucks and how terrible her life is and how she saw nothing good from this life. Sis has been coughing all month and mom's really upset. I can't recover like that