How am i supposed to heal?! Every time i try to get my head above water, the world slapps me. And blames for being sick.Mom got anemia. Granma got some heart issues and every time i call her she sounds dying and panics the hell out of me. Seeing them for Christmas is already hard and what about seeing them sick.
What did i do to deserve this?! I was just trying to adult and Boom pandemic, war, dad's baby, mom drinking, mom sick, sis sick, Grandma sick. If she dies i won't be able to take it. Hearing her voice like that brings me insane panic.
Tried to call sis to ask when we're traveling. She didn't pick up. I'm panicing
Won't call mom cause it's 7pm and might have started
Im dying. I need help and i seek it but it only gets worse. I need a friend rn but my irl friends, collegues, teachers only blame me for being so mentally ill. How can i not be?! And my online friends are the best i have, just half of them panics me mom's depressed and the other half sexualises me. And my therapist made it worse. I have 2 therapists. My longer one. She said my parents divorsed because i was in love with my father. Wtf. Wtf. After that i wanted to quit talking to her and stay with my main therapist but with this happening(mom and Grandma's sickness) i fear i might need her. The thing is that she doesn't help, but she's available on the phone and when i go to Grandma's for Christmas she might pick up my call while the other one doesn't help on the phone. Anyway maybe i should quit her anyway because what she said is unacceptable even though she's a psychoalalisist (in psychoanalyse everyone's like "You're in love with your parents. You have Oedipus complex" and as a psychology student this drives me crazy). And i will just tell her how miserable i am and she will leave me there drown in my own words. She taught me to always complain. Mom and grandmothers too. Espessially when they're sick. I can't bear this. Christmas is so dark. Why is this happening? Mom and Grandma sixk. And If i panic, they will scold me i make them feel worse but how not to panic? And sis isn't picking the phone. Im saying it now but it burns my brain so much that at some point i might stop sharing and this will be the end of me. Everything will be inside ruining me. I won't be able to function and i'm graduating. But since im 22 and mom and Grandma are old who cares. And idk for new year. Last new year was terrible. At home with mom and sis. Idk now after Christmas whether to go home, stay in my toxic home for a week and celebrate new year and see dad, or dismiss family and come back to my accomodation after Christmas. I would go for the second option but i'm scared dad would be offened i won't see him these holidays.