The past week has been the worst of my life and I've had some bad ones before. It started with an extreme feeling of anxiety one afternoon and I haven't felt the same since. Every day all day I feel bad and a few times a day the anxiety and depression is unbearable. I breakdown constantly throughout the day and weep. I feel worse each day and I'm so hopeless. It's completely debilitating. I often can't care for myself, be in social settings, and I definitely cannot work or do school. I feel like I'm going deeper and deeper into a hole that I'll never escape. I keep trying to figure out what's making me like this. I don't know if its food allergies, shame, I'm subconsciously afraid of something, or my meds are hurting me or just not working. I just got a brain scan and I'm praying that it reveals the issue so it can be treated. Has anyone had an experience relatable to this?
Worst Week Ever: The past week has been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Worst Week Ever

your not alone 🙏
Im so sorry you’re suffering, copingwithcomedy. I had a brain scan once too because I was like I’m so miserable and confused that I must have something like a brain tumor… well it was not… it was mental illness. Things can get better though. I feel way better these days than I did years and years ago that day that.
I’m so sorry that you are having such a tough week. It always seems as if we get hit with everything at once. Hopefully your scan can provide some answers and help calm your mind. In the meantime, is there anything you can do for yourself, no matter how small? You have to take care of yourself and your health first and foremost. Try to get outdoors, a change of scenery helps. Remember the things you enjoy in life and take some baby steps towards them. Try to stay present and don’t overthink it all as that leads to ruminating about things you cannot control. Wishing you the best and hope you can relax and feel better.

Watching funny videos or reading seems to help the most, but each day its less enjoyable.
I hear ya. One of the most obvious signs of depression is losing interest in things that you would otherwise enjoy. If you don’t mind my asking, do you have any family or friends that you can reach out to for support? Also, can you reach out to your doctor and let them know that your medications are not working? If you feel you’re getting worse, the doctor needs to know this and can make the necessary changes. I’m hear to support you.

Yeah for me I'm so anxious and stressed I can't enjoy anything. I'm blessed to have a lot of family and friends who love and care about me but its hard being around them in this time. I try to hang out with them but when I'm really struggling it doesn't help me feel better and its hard because they don't understand. That's why I came here, I only know one person who has the same struggle and it helps to talk to him. I just need more people who actually know what the pain feels like.
I’m really glad you found your way here. There are a lot of kind caring people here who can relate to exactly what you’re going through without judgement. Everyone here suffers from anxiety and/or depression so you will find a multitude of help and resources from a wide variety of people. You’re very fortunate to have the love and support of family and friends. I am the only one who suffers from anxiety in my home so I understand how difficult that can be. But, it could be much worse. Imagine if you were all suffering under one roof. That is definitely the case in some homes. I know that family and friends understand more than you realize and may just not know how to help. My family and friends lift me up daily because they are not anxious or depressed. They may not completely understand but their normalcy seems to be the best medicine. Check out uTube for some good videos on A&D, deep breathing, and meditation. There’s a ton out there. It does get easier with time I promise. Educate yourself as best you can on A&D and keep posting here for more advice and replies. I completely understand your pain and will be praying that you find some peace of mind and happiness again. 🙏
I had an MRI brain scan and an EEG back when I was in sixth grade about 25 years ago. I had seizures after the dosage of Prozac was increased. They didn't find anything. My OCD, depression and anxiety have been a constant companion since.
I'm so sorry. I hope you have relief soon.
You may need a medication change. If the meds are working you wouldn't feel this bad. I've been through hell with my Depression and I have needed to try new medications.