Have any of you ever looked into someone's eyes pleading with desperate hope, and realized that those eyes are empty, without a hint of emotion? Like there is no one there. Just some kind of human machine.That is the scariest thing I've ever seen and it haunts me after many years.
At that moment I thought "this is what evil is!"
Someone without sympathy or regard for another person's feelings can destroy you emotionally and psychologically and not even realize what they've done.
That's my worst trigger. I get major anxiety to the point where I can't function and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack and faint at the same time and have to lie down.
Thank God for my ODTs!
I'm so scared of seeing that again that if anyone gives off any hint of this, I just resolve to avoid them as much as possible!
And I avoid this particular person at the cost of myself and my most loved children and family.
I have realized from experience that any regular person, even those who seem friendly, warm and affectionate, can be a sociopath. Because most of them are just regular people who don't really commit crimes or do anything drastic like in a movie. They have regular lives, being nice and polite, and mimic feelings very well, but have no empathy whatsoever and only do damage to those who are the most close to them.
That happened to me. And since it's not something anyone can see, if you try telling other people about it, you sound like a crazy person, or a mean person, or like you have some kind of vendetta or something else like that.
It's a real thing and the only thing you can do is to get away and stay away before you get emotionally or psychologically sick. Which I did and I am.
It took me much too long to realize that I was in an abusive relationship because there was no physical abuse. And it took me even longer to find out what I was dealing with, because of course, I thought sociopaths were violent criminals, etc.
So it's really hard to trust anyone completely for me. And maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. Maybe you should never trust anyone completely. I truly don't know.
It's taken me a long time to wrap my head around this and even longer to post about it, but there it is. With time, I've even learned compassion for this person because it must be hard to hide yourself and maintain the appearance of a normal person. But I don't engage in conversation or have any interaction with them because I know it's unhealthy and I can't handle the anxiety anyway.
I'm so grateful for this community because I feel safe here and I've gotten so much support and understanding and encouragement, that I can finally share this.