I had an anxiety attack last evening that lasted several hours. It was the worst attack ever. I tried everything I’ve read and heard about. Nothing worked. I had to lie still for hours. My mouth was parched from deep breathing. I tried getting up and engaging but that led to out of control thoughts and behavior. I felt on the verge of violence and self harm. It was the worst episode ever as I mentioned. I can’t ever feel that again. I decided I will take Xanax proactively (I was down to not taking it but every several days after two weeks without attack) but now will be taking morning and early evening to prevent this from happening again. I thought about 911 but didn’t want to go to psych ward instead of hospital because of how out of control I was thinking.
worst attack ever: I had an anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...
worst attack ever

That's a very long anxiety attack. Did you take your Xanax during that time? How is it prescribed for you?
These attacks are horrible. Do you think you should call your doctor?
I don’t have a psychiatrist as I moved here fairly recently and there are none locally. I have a nurse practitioner but she doesn’t really understand. I’ve been waiting for months for my first appointment with a psychiatrist an hour away. I see her January 11th. If I had gone to the hospital last night I’m sure I would have been locked up for a long time. I can’t risk that outcome.
Also, I took a Xanax .5 at the onset, then two more and a zyprexa. It still took over 2 hours to fall asleep. Sedation is my only alternative that I’m aware of but I fear respiratory shutdown with too much.
So sorry. Perhaps you should have a long talk with your doctor and tell him about your feelings. He/she can't help if you if they don't know what is going on with you. I know you really don't want to hurt/take your own life. Going to a place for treatment is not a crime or the end of the world. Its a blessing in disguise. Trust me I have been there.
I can’t see a dr until January 11th. I’ve gone to mental hospital before during one of these and they turned me away. Also to ER, at least they kept me until I fell asleep in er. My last dr I had just prescribed Xanax 3 times a day. I wish I knew what the problem was as it is not a typical short lived panic attack. It lasts for hours. It doesn’t ever subside, I just take enough sedatives to force sleep. I wake up fine and normal afterwards.
Hi dear. Just wondering if you did received the dog yet. Something prompted that
attack last night. As for Xanax, it usually doesn't give complete relief until you are
able to settle down completely. Using the methods or tools you have will also not
work unless you are practicing them every day. As for the attack lasting so long,
it has to do with fear begetting fear. Once you cannot lower your fear, the physical
symptoms escalate as well as you go into a cycle of fear.
It does sound like you need to talk with that psychiatrist regarding how to handle
your anticipation of "what if" it happens again plus how to take your medications.
Remember that medication is only a band-aid while you work on the situation(s)
that caused you to go into this intense anxiety attack.
I wish you well but know that we are here to support you with understanding
because we do care. xx
If your physician ok with you reading it twice a day then good. My script is twice a day too, but I rarely take it anymore. When I know I going into anxious situation I take.
that’s what I was doing also. As needed. But now I’m so afraid that I’m taking all prescribed (3 a day) to prevent. Since this past one was so unbearable, I can’t imagine going through that again.