Hello all. Hope you are doing well on this fine spring day.
I wanted to come on here and share that my spring break is coming up next week, and I'm really not looking forward to it. Mainly because my boyfriend is going on vacation for most of the week, and I am going to be alone the entire time. It's not jealousy, I promise. I guess it's a fear of him being a thousand miles away from me, so like, I guess I'm scared of something happening to him. I also just don't want to have to go a week of him barely talking to me. I'm glad he'll be having fun and enjoying his vacation, but I'm sad for myself because I know I'm going to be really down the entire time because I'll have no one to talk to or hang out with. It makes me anxious for when he goes to college in the fall, because I'm sure that will be the end of him talking to me very often. I'm expecting to probably not talk to him every day like we do now. And it's going to suck so bad and I hate the thought of it. I know that probably makes me sound extremely clingy, and I realize that I am. But I can't change the way my brain thinks. I can't just say "screw you brain; I'm gonna not be depressed this time." That's just not how it works. I wish that was how it works, but I'm not that fortunate. I wish I didn't feel like this. I wish I didn't see this type of stuff as the end of the world. I want to be better. Nothing feels real.
Anyways, sorry for that long rant. There's a lot of emotions in my head that I can't share with him because I don't want to ruin his life too. I'm trying to be better, so constantly complaining about my excessive loneliness does not help the matter. I hope you guys understand.
Thanks for reading if you actually read this. Hope you have a lovely day. And I hope the weather is behaving for you so you can get outside and enjoy the springtime.