I'm new to these kinds of things. It's been 3 years, after being told I need to find a support group to interact with others who may suffer from severe anxiety and panic disorder. I refused for the longest time, but it's gotten worse for me. The medications aren't helping, and seeing my therapist seems impossible with my busy life. I'm so exhausted of feeling on edge and constantly worrying. My mind races and it's hard to shut off and it's quite irritating. I can't remember the last time I went a whole day without thinking about my anxiety let alone not having a panic attack. I try to meditate and distract myself but it seems impossible to distract myself in the mist of a panic attack. I guess my question is for anyone who suffers from this disorder, how do you manage these attacks and what helps calm you down?
Panic disorder: I'm new to these kinds... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic disorder

Welcome to the group! There are many good people here that would love to hear from you. I am sorry you are going through this. I have panic attacks also. One time a therapist told me that, when the panic attack comes on, I should just get angry and tell it "Bring it on!" It sometimes helps when I get angry at my panic. I say, "Bring it on! Do your worst!" It actually helps at least some of the time. Sending prayers and healing energy. 🙏🙏🙏
Hi Kbabyy. I'd like to Welcome you to an amazing forum of caring and supportive
people. Like you, I struggled through every possible anxious physical side effect
of Anxiety Disorder. Everything including the swallowing issue. I had the barium
swallow test that showed I was clear of any obstructions. I went to a physical
therapist who worked on the muscles of my throat with massage.
Through time, I realized that the tightening of my throat muscles where coming
from my emotions. Have you ever heard people say that they are all choked up
due to talking about a difficult subject??
Any physical effect from our emotions can and will cause Panic/Anxiety attacks from
time to time. In between those attacks we have free floating anxiety meaning the
Adrenaline levels never really go down. They stay at a pilot light level that can go full
force at the drop of a hat. Just the thought of a past event can bring this on.
I am a huge believer of Meditation/Breathing but not only when anxiety rears it's
ugly head. By then it can be too late to overcome. Meditation must be done on a
daily basis. Sort of a preventive measure. I meditate 3x a day. Upon awakening,
midafternoon and again before bed. By doing this it limits the amount of adrenaline
coursing through your body all day. Meditation allows your subconscious mind to
focus on positivity instead of negative thoughts. It takes practice and patience to get
to the point where your body responds within moments of feeling a panic attack coming
on. Actually you probably won't get them anymore but maybe just some butterfly effects.
I'm happy you are here with us as we learn from each other. We understand because
we care. xx
Hi Kbaby, Welcome to our group I'm also belong to support group called Nami I don't know if you're located in the United States but they have support groups online and on the phone and zoom meetings I really enjoy coming here because everybody supports you and it's a great place to make friends and they all understand what you're going through and Nami is a really great support group too
That's a hard one for sure. I know some have found the 54321 method to help when in the midst of a panic attack. For me, I concentrate on my breath, slow & deep breath in through the nose, hold for a few seconds, then slowly release through your mouth until you've expelled all the air from your lungs. Then repeat for about 5 minutes.
I'm new to this group as well! Wishing you a wonderful & calm day.
Hello and welcome to the group. What helped me with panic was reading that it is nothing more than our bodies built in warning system malfunctioning, sending a surge of adrenalin through our body and it's a paradox, the more you fight it or try to resist it makes it stronger. So the key is to allow the feelings to flow through you like a wave of water. You might check out the DARE Anxiety book and youtube videos and the youtube videos of Paige Pradko as well as books and the youtube of Dr. Claire Weekes. It is possible to get over panic attacks.