suffering from panic disorder for long time. day's ago decided to face my fear . It's make me anxious all the time with less physical symptom . Any suggestions?
Panic disorder : suffering from panic... - Anxiety and Depre...
Panic disorder

Hi Jahid9912. Welcome to a caring support group.
You took the first major step forward by facing and accepting your fear.
That's the reason your physical symptoms are lessening. I find that watching
my breathing is a valid way in slowing down those anxious moments. When we
feel scared, we start to hyperventilate or even start holding our breath which just
exacerbates our anxiety. Getting rid of the physical symptoms is a huge start in
getting back control over your anxiety.
You say you face your fears, now you need to accept that fear as either a lie that
your brain is telling you or a real situation in your life. If it's a real situation, then
you either have to work on eliminating that issue. If you can't, then you must
accept that as part of your life., Not knowing what you fear, it's difficult to give
you more answers. There are plenty more methods/tools that you can use to
get your life back. Being on this forum will let you know you aren't alone as well
as allowing you to hear the experiences in what others use. I'm happy you are
here with us. Never give up. xx
Thought pop up i am going to faint or having panic attack right now. Or something bad going to happen.
Jahid, you are going to be okay. Don't listen to the lies that our brain tells us.
It's the way anxiety draws us in. Check your breathing, Make sure you are not
holding your breath. Bring down your shoulders away from your ears to release
that "fight or flight" stance.
Breathe my friend. You are Safe here. We understand, We care.
Hold our hand while we take this journey with you.
I remember having the same worries and sensations long ago. I wasn't going to
have anxiety play this games with me unless I was ready to win.
You can win as well. You are a Warrior. We will help you find ways to get over
these thoughts. Talk to us more xx
Physical sensations are terrifying. The terror is what keeps the anxiety heightened and so controlling. Hang in there Jahid. Sit with them and let them be. Try to do mindfulness while it happens. Just identify things around you and name them off. Example: table is brown. The wall is white. The background noise is loud. Etc. and you keep going until it subsides. Deep breathing also. Slow inhale hold and then slow exhale from the nose. 🙏🏻you’re not alone.
When anxiety comes, I don't want to control it anymore. I trying to adopt it. I'm not engaging in any logic or self-talk to reduce it. I'm just continuing with whatever I was doing. But inside, there's a fear or excitement at work. Most of the time, it goes away after a while. Then it comes back again.
Am I on the right path? Any suggestions?
Example : i am walking and all of sudden thought pop up i am going to faint or having panic attack or something bad going to happened. That's moment i feel some strange sensation in my head. But i continue my walk ot whatever i was doing.