Hi everyone,I'm new here, I joined because I'm feeling so scared and alone and just really want to talk to others who have possibly gone through/are going through the same thing.
I think i might have an anxiety and/or panic disorder.
I have suffered with anxiety and depression for several years now (I was taking sertraline but I came off of it because I was scared it was causing heart palpitations, which are being investigated) and actually thought I was doing ok - but in november (2024) I started to feel my heartbeat very prominently (like a pounding but not racing) feeling very lightheaded, nauseous and fatigued. I have fibromyalgia too so I gave it the benefit of the doubt, until Christmas eve when I was kept awake most of the night with a pounding and racing heart, so thought I better get checked out. Since then things have gradually gotten worse, I'm having these symptoms daily, sometimes for hours, and at least once a day it feels like a full blown panic attack where I'm convinced I'm going to die, pounding heart, dizzy, nauseous, pins and needles in my hands, chest pain, cannot think straight, etc. It always passes eventually but honestly, I wake up every day amazed I'm still alive. I am genuinely scared to sleep and I don't sleep until 5/6am when I'm too exhausted to keep my eyes open. I have to sleep practically sat up because if I lie flat my heart starts pounding.
The rest of the time it just feels like a very strong heartbeat, feeling lightheaded and nauseous. When I stand up or sit down my heart races a bit. I've also developed stomach problems where I can't eat much or my heart races and blood pressure drops sometimes.
My stomach always hurts or feels really full even though I can barely eat. I have a constant "full" feeling in my chest too.
So far I've had 2 chest xrays which are all clear, 4 ECGs which all looked normal, blood tests which don't show anything wrong, calling an ambulance out due to pain in my left arm and chest, a trip to the emergency department (which at least told me my heart wasn't struggling, even though it feels like it is) and a 24hr heart monitor that I'm awaiting results for because of the palpitations.
I'm just absolutely desperate now, but am so worried about going back on medication even though I know I will likely have to. I'm worried there's something wrong with my heart, that the doctors are missing something, and I'm worried about everything I'm putting in to my body. I don't smoke, drink alcohol or caffeine. I don't even like taking painkillers. I have anxiety/worry about every little thing and am always acutely aware of everything my body is doing and i'm scared for my life. I am always googling my symptoms and wondering if it could be this or that.
Everyone keeps telling me I will be ok but I'm struggling to believe them.
Has anyone else experienced this? I feel like things will never improve. The logical part of my brain is telling me it's anxiety and panic, as all tests have been normal so far, but it's hard to listen to that part when all of these physical symptoms are taking over my life and I feel so unwell 24/7.