So basically I've had like 5 therapists all together. My first one was horrible, she always confronted me and my mother, she basically told my mother how to deal with my issues and what she needs to do because she's horrible and parenting and helping me with my depression, anxiety, insecurities, dealing with my emotions in a positive way, being able to talk about my problems instead of keeping it to myself.
I told my mom that I don't like her and she's a horrible therapist and we need to get a new one, so we did. My second therapist was a really good therapist except for the fact that I barely ever talked to him, because he was always calling in, but we had good conversations. My third therapist I used for six months and he was hard to talk to, but a kinda good therapist, he got on my nerves and he mostly talked to my mom he was basically my moms therapist and not mine. my fourth therapist was always telling me that I shouldn't kill myself even when I told her I didn't wanna commit suicide.
she talked to me like I was a 2 year old to. my fifth therapist I have now is the best one I've ever had even though I just met him sometime this week. he's really easy to talk to and funny and really understands what I'm going through. he tells me over and over again that he is really committed into helping me. He makes me feel like I can get better and that I'm not gonna be depressed for the rest of my life and that I can do anything that's possible.
I'm sorry if this is a lot of righting I just feel like I had to say that.