Myself and my sister have suffered with anxiety for years, not general day to day anxiety, we both just woke up one day (not the same day of course) having panic attacks which unfortunately have been a huge part of our lives. I’m on sertraline but my anxiety is definitely triggered by illness / alcohol / stress but on meds it is managable.
My sister has struggled more than I have as she’s had periods of being fine then long periods of panic. She got in touch with a therapist, came off of Fluoxetine and went onto Venlafaxine which has a horrid cocktail of side effects. She did 6 weeks and felt pretty awful so the doctor upped her dose, she’s now in week 5 of the higher dose and having awful fatigue, dizziness and nausea and really struggling day to day.
I just wanted to reach out here to see what other people’s experiences have been and is the horrible part worth it in the long term? I just want to help her how I can.