does anyone else suffer extreme dizziness with anxiety? The past 2 days I’ve felt awfully “ woozy “ I have been stressed recently as my anxiety has been sky high, I’ve not been sleeping great for a week either, today is really bad and no matter how much I’ve slept I just want to get back into bed and sleep again. I’m not dizzy as in the room spinning or anything by my head just feels very woozy and almost light headed, and because I’m stressing about it I don’t know if it’s making it worse! It’s an hour waiting time for nhs 24 to answer and then 4 hours for a call back, I don’t know if my body is just reacting to all the stress or if something serious is wrong 😭😭😭😭😭
dizziness and anxiety: does anyone else... - Anxiety and Depre...
dizziness and anxiety

I fell asleep at around 7:30am this morning until around 5pm was up for 2 hours then couldn’t keep my eyes open, had to nap again from 7pm until now
yes anxiety stress overactive nervous system can cause this. That sounds like one hell of a healthcare system with that wait time for them to tell you what they think you should do. If you are that worried it’s something serious try to get checked out. But coming from someone first hand who’s nervous system is currently destroyed from stress anxiety and life it can and will cause this.
I have just called them and it’s actually a TWO hour wait to speak to someone who will then either tell you to go to hospital or make you wait 4/8 hours for a dr to call you back!!! It’s so awful I just feel so so dizzy and just want to sleep constantly! Random shooting pains in all different parts of my body, I’m so exhausted from it all and all the worrying!
No I full understand this I’ve had so much blood work done have had scans done they can’t find shit which is frustrating me but oh well. Either go to the hospital which I’m sure is probably a long wait too but if you feel something is seriously wrong go. But some things to try is make sure you’re eating, try laying flat on your back on the floor and just trying to take slow deep breaths helps align you and ground you and just let yourself sleep your body wants to sleep it’s gonna sleep mental health is exhausting and try and distract yourself help even a little by listening to music or something
I just feel like I’m going crazy! And then sometimes when I do nod off I’m woken up suddenly with a racing heart, it quickly subsided but still scary none the less! I’ve just lay in a dark room and I do feel a little better, scared to get up Incase the dizziness comes back!
you are definitely not going crazy and never let a doctor or anyone dismiss these symptoms as real even if they are caused by an overactive nervous system they are very much real and can effect your life. I can relate to everything you’re saying it’s like I’m responding to myself but I can’t take my own damn advice because the fear has just paralyzed me
it’s so scary isn’t it! I have a pretty good feeling they are going to tell me to just drink water which I do anyway, I’m really conscious about dehydrating, what I’m scared of is having low blood pressure for some reason or another
Hi Littlechops, the wooziness you are feeling is common with anxiety.
While you are waiting for a callback, maybe you can try hydrating. Dehydration
can cause this lightheadedness feeling. Also important is checking on your breathing
pattern. When we are stressed and fearful, our breathing goes into an unnatural pattern
causing mouth breathing and hyperventilation.
YouTube has some good breathing meditations to get you back on sync. I will get back
to you with some helpful YouTube videos..
Still talk with your doctor and schedule an appointment to further address this issue. xx
thank you Agora! I have been drinking a lot the past 2 days and only water! I’m really conscious about dehydration but I just can’t seem to shake this dizziness 😭 looks like I’m in for a long wait 2 hours just to be referred to a dr then a further 4 hours for a call back! Xx
I'm glad you are drinking water but you also have to eat as well.
Medication can and does cause some of this feeling as well.
While waiting, listening and practicing these Breathing Exercises on
YouTube can't hurt.
"5 minute Deep Breathing Exercise" by the City of Hope
"5 minute Breathing Exercise Guided Meditation to Calm Anxiety"
by Mindful Peace
and the 3rd video is
"Mindful Moment #2/Five Finer Breathing"
Wishing you Peace & Calm xx
hi your body is reacting to all of that stressing people dont think stress affect the body but it does my stress is so high my period wouldnt come on my period was 20 days late take care of yourself try to relieve your stress
Believe it or not I’m dealing with the same thing , it’s been going on for a week . Usually I’ll get this once a year or so but this time it’s been around the longest . I’m scared and terrified it won’t go away . Do you think about it all the time when your standing or walking ??? Do you kinda look for the dizziness in your head ? I went to the hospital a few days ago and they did lots of blood work on me and came up empty handed . This sucks , I can feel at times my head is going to explode or something . It’s scary 😟.
I’ll go back to the hospital again in a few days and hope they can find something or figure it out .
Keep in touch and let me know how your progress is going .
omg literally I’m the exact same! My head feels so lightheaded and almost like it’s going to pop when I’m standing or walking especially! It can sometimes even feel this way lying down, I phoned nhs 24 earlier and they said they weren’t concerned and if it continues to call my dr on Wednesday! I now have a pain at the base of my skull and I’m freaking out!!! I get regular eye tests and even got checked by an eye specialist last year as I thought I had a swollen optic nerve and he said my eyes were almost 20/20 and I have nothing to worry about! I am so so hoping this is due to a crappy sleep routine and stress from my anxiety! I suffer health anxiety badly and it’s been playing up significantly off over the Christmas period. I honestly dread waking up in the morning to see what pain is next or if I’m feeling dizzy 😞 xxx
Sounds like triple PD or PPPD, check it out on you tube with the steady coach. I have it but did not know and doctors were just like it's not your BP or your brain and all your blood work is good so it's just anxiety but the therapist suck here and so I found the steady coach which is helping more than a paid therapist!
Sorry you’re dealing with this. Sometimes it could be a bout of anxiety that visits and hovers. Probably the insomnia and interrupted sleep is not helping it. And I know that increases worry so that sucks and makes it worse too. Hang in there. Check on YouTube for a vertigo stretches video. It shows position to re align your inner ear. Sometimes that helps with the physical symptoms. Hugs.
Anxiety can cause many odd symptoms. Dizziness is one of those and try the breathing exercises as that helps. The worst one for me is Depersonalization as it feels like you are not there and in a dream. Utube have lots of advise. It will pass xx
I felt the same way after seeing many doctor's for dizzness swaying off balance feeling I was diagnosed with 3PD and for me axiety makes it worse. I take meclize which is seasick pill at times. Just remind yourself you'll be okay.
Same here. Im always dizzy and foggy and im always wondering whether it's just anxiety or something serious and it's driving me insane and debilitated. Know it's not only you, you aren't alone
For days now. You can take over the counter medicine like meclizine. Feel free to reach out if you want. I'll be happy to listen whatever you want to vent about. Hope you are having a good day.
my anxiety causes dizziness/light headedness, I get really hot, my heart races(my resting HR is usually 58-63 and during anxiety it’s above 100) and I get nauseous.
I do and recently discovered why, it is triple PD or PPPD, check it on Google or you tube with the steady coach!