Can anxiety and OCD be related?
I have been dealing with so much anxiety around my children (ages 5 and 3). Primarily (and this sounds crazy, I know), I am terrified they are going to die in a school shooting or other mass shooting incident. I am a school teacher, so I am not sure if that makes it worse or not. But my anxiety is so intrusive and often times is all I can think about (and obsess over). I honestly struggle with enjoying things in the present moment, bc I’m so worried about the next time they’ll go to school, a large public place, etc. I know it’s not healthy and I cannot seem to get a handle on it.
If I am able to briefly distract myself or enjoy something, my mind always finds its way back to my worry. Almost like I’m punishing myself for being “naive” and thinking nothing will happen. I’ve seen ppl mention anxiety and OCD together. I’m wondering if my anxiety is also slightly ocd? Almost like it’s “my normal” to worry and obsess over this.
I am just so scared. All of the time.