I’ve been having intense anxiety for about a week now. It’s been way worse than usual and I don’t really know why it’s been worse but I’ve been feeling really sad and I’m just really scared something is wrong with me. Last week I felt really tired and I had headaches the whole weekend. What also started happening was I started having pains in my chest and it radiates up to my jaw and my shoulders. I’m afraid that it’s signs of a heart attack but I’m 16 and it’s not common at my age. But my other thought is it’s probably because of my health anxiety. I went to the doctors a couple days ago because I was having trouble breathing and he told me that my chest was tight and he wanted me to get an inhaler to see if it opened up my chest. I only tried it once and I think it helped. But my anxiety is causing me to become really depressed all the time and I haven’t really had any help or really anyone to talk to. I’m getting a therapist soon so hopefully that’ll help. I feel like I’m losing my relationship with my friends and with the people at my church. I’ve been so consumed with my anxiety and with my sadness that I’m not focusing on God and how he has control over everything and everyone and he will protect me and guide me through trials and through times of struggling and hardships.
Does anyone have any idea why I’m having these problems? And I would appreciate it if you guys have any verses that will help me with my anxiety. Thanks! 😊