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I read this and have experienced it and more.

Raggedy-Ann profile image
21 Replies

“I am 14 and I’m struggling in algebra class. When I ask for help, the male teacher says, ‘I’m not surprised girls aren’t that good at algebra’.

I am 18 and go to my first fraternity party with girlfriends…… we don’t ever say it out loud but it’s understood that we need to stick together at these parties and not get separated, for our own safety.

I’m 20 and I’m working as a hostess at the Red Lion Inn in San Jose, near the airport. …Men in suits come in to eat after their meetings during the day and I see them takeoff their wedding rings before heading into the bar next to the restaurant. Every girl who works there learns quickly not to bend too far over because of the short skirts of our uniforms.

I’m 22 and it’s my first day on a new job. My male supervisor gets me into a room alone and I think he’s going to tell me about the job but instead he tells me about how much he likes sex and how he needs to have it every day. I get up and walk out of the room and avoid him after that, but I don’t tell anyone because I’m one of the only women there and I don’t know what to do.Im 24 and I’m watching Anita Hill on TV, testifying about a man who wants to be on the Supreme Court. I don’t understand everything I’m watching but I understand that she’s a black woman facing down a panel of white men and she is going to lose because, at 24, I do understand who has power and who does not.

I’m any age in my 20s and I’m walking on the street, in a park, in a city, in a suburb, anywhere. Men tell me to smile, to wait a minute, to slow down what’s my hurry, can I ask you a question, can I stand too close to you, can I demand your space,…your time, your attention, hey where you going bitch?

I’m 25. I’m buying my first car and the salesman offers a price I know is way too high. I bring my stepdad to the showroom and the same car is now $3000 less. I smile and buy the car but inside I’m seething.

I am any age in my 30s and I think about where I park, where I go, whether I should get in that elevator that only has one man in it and how I should be sure not to make eye contact with men in the streets. All of this is normal to me and I don’t question any of it.

I’m 35. I’m buying my second car and the salesman said we should wait for my husband to get there before talking about the price but would I like to see the makeup mirror? I tell him I’m a lesbian and if he’s waiting for my husband, he’s gonna be waiting a long time…I leave, because I’m learning.

I’m 40 and a woman, Hillary Clinton, is taking a serious run at the Democratic Presidential Nomination . She’s smart, tough and qualified but she endures endless anger, viciousness and misogyny and she eventually loses in the primary.Male friends tell me it’s probably for the best because there’s just something they don’t like about her, you know?

I’m 49 and a man who said he grabs women by the pussy is elected as the 45th President of the United States. The night of the election, I feel physically ill.. and my 1st conscious thought is, ‘my god, the Supreme Court’. The next morning, I overhear two men laughing and congratulating each other about the election and I feel unsafe in my own country.

I am 51 and another man who stands credibly accused of sexual assault… has just been confirmed to serve on the Supreme Court. I see women on television sobbing, screaming, protesting, crying out in their anguish and their fear. I am so angry. I think of every woman I know and I am so angry.I am any age, every age. I am a woman. I am a daughter. I am discounted. I am underrepresented. I am underestimated. But I am a voter. Today, that has to be enough”~Author Unknown

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Raggedy-Ann profile image
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21 Replies

I felt this , I feel as women we need to keep fighting for what is right , we need to keep making strides towards what we want our future and the futures of many young women to come after us to look like .

Hb2003 profile image

i feel this too i cried as well.

hypercat54 profile image

Many men claim this is only fun and we just need to get a sense of humour......

Dolphin14 profile image

Very powerful post.


Starrlight profile image

wow, yeah.

lots of men who are smucks.....not raised with manners or to treat workers as workers and .......as an instructor i have to pay attention to form and eyes but like a dance instructor and not not be professional.........im stiff to many or too formal but for valid reasons........its true that tons of men are just pure smucks.....and why at one point i wanted all men to go through the service....not for guns but to grow up, follow orders, and behve correctly or deal with ur platoon sargents........who will read them the riot act..........do and dont........i was raised with a riding club of 60 girls and they made it very clear they didn not apprecaite men who look below their noses.......who am i .,..whats my birthday what the color of my eyes whats my favorite.....x y z.............loud and clear they had valid points.........out west we have codes.......u never talk about ur girl......never or u may find an education out in the woods ........we were trained right.............and in britain.....which was very conservative.......which is right..............u made very sure about space and being formal was normal and told them ......a lot.........they watch behavior first...................american men and guys.........really need british professional training.......as i grew up with riding instructors........very formal very proper and correct.....women and men treated correctly.........funny busness not tolerated........im sorry the american guys are so clueless.......and u have been treated this way........totally wrong.......totally smucks.........v v v sorry and dispise such people who are not real men........just subhuman smucks........smucks smucks smucks.........u can see why women learn to dispise the male subspecies..............dont deserve to be called


in reply to

sorry not be un .professional is what i meant........

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

Thank you for supporting the post.


in reply toDolphin14

much of riding and i got into big troble abot this wrongly........is about development almost as a type of finihsing school........how we prepare for lessons........all our equipemtn is cleaned and u always dress correctly to come to tesson at my /our level..........ur horse spotless........u come 1000 percent to work ......u dont waste a second...........it trains us and we have to give it up as counselors freak or call us miitary or spoiled..........no.........we poor but we save certain clothes we only go to lessons it............and how we work wth horses and how we speak to students and and .....its very good for men especailly.......person conduct.........i used to entertain the idea of a school for men..........we raised a generation of do what we feel types.........no org runs that way...........gee i dont feel like coming into today.........well how do u feel about feeding the horses or filling al the water buckets and and

??????????????? well how do u feel about making sure the lawn is mowed this week or doing ur homework or


the Brits have a very high work ethic.......how do u fee??leads to anarchy.............now im not talking about people who suffer from depression..........but.......u dont.......ever come to a tesson........unprepared........tack marine corps clean.......down to the brass.....barns spotless..........u can assess any barns management the second u drive up the road........to whih the mhs who are clueless call u an elitist..........what hotel is a shithole........the standards broadcast the managment........fencing and every detail of the barn.............in english barns..........my instructor exam was 4 days long........oral........per British Standards..........oral and demonstration of skills on borrowed horses u have never met before............spent 18 months gettng ready........like i said..........trained to adjust peple but.......its a body nothing else.........same as a physical therapist.........and we hate......just like the british hate slimeballs.............their personal conduct is ...........very formal and u can feel the hackles on ther necks when americans come over there and dont adjust.........they weent wrong..........they dont say i respect u like amercan............they show it..........u show respect u dont say it..................manners show.........respect..........this country is clueless..........and the modern way has destroyed good traditions.......that showed

proper respect...........and we get traiined out of because modern women in vet med kick u rear if u try to help them in any way.........theyd rahter get smashed by a bull than accept in any way.........god forbitd super women of today be protected by a male subspecie.........in vet med at least................we just walk away..........in modern america u can help or be nice to anyone..............have slime ball men we loath on the one hand and disiluusioned bachelor herd on the other........give women a wide berth unless u want a beatng ........

in reply to

can nottell u how many times nurses ex nurses female vets run us men outj.......women ae destined to rule the world - heard that a millino times.......not matter how careful u are..........we get that women are treated like meat and and and we get it........we trained men take a beating for all the smucks out there ..........who should go throgh british militrary schools............without guns.........and british schools..............u stand............and tell the school master.........discuss the signficance of he parliment system v other forms of education........and stop in two hours.............oral.............no american .......bs ing ..........or multimple choice..........their education is so vastly superior to ameican..........its redcilous.................and good manners................are just the beginning..........they arent wrong............this coutry..........eveyone does what they feel..........and why so many kid today grow up totally wrong and unrelaible.......with no work ethic...........rtheres a balance of corse.........but........they are not well prepared for life today..........one mans opinon....... barns run on hard work like horse hotels..........rules are followed.........its kept spotless...........cleaner than most houses..................like a hotel............part of the advertizement.........its not a demoracy...........u follow the rules or u find somehwre else.............mh people? are clueless...........differnt worlds..........we train people how thing are to be done how hroses are lead properly how to appraoh horses work with them...etc..........for safety reasons......................trains repsnsility not just riding and how to listen and follow instructions...........mhs isnt going to come in and tell us how our barns should be run...........we dont care...........horses first.........humans 9th thats how it is........mhs can go shove it.......its not their perview........same wth dress same wth how we never look at women in sexual ways....or u will leave our barns in 4 nanoseconds..........we watch everyhing like hawks ...........trouble makers are not tolerated............

in reply to

mh groups want to bring their people un announced to our barns with kids and strollers and sandals and get bent all out of shape becase we wont let them pet the horse snd feed them...........they are client horses.......and some do bite......and u never bring anhyting in the barns and never withotu proper footear but............mh peole go off on us.................ive been poor and barn rat.....all my life and run these barns per safety not elitism........they are formal for safety reasons and u cant do as u please ism or slob guys arnet welcome or guys with fautly manners or behaviors will be removed asap........we hate these slobs too........regardless of income .....we not spoiled.......who the heck do the thnk cleans the barns - the horses?? women are so sick of men..........who arnt......and those women arnt wrong..........america de modenr bull laoney society has raised generations of male bums.......because they removed male teahers discipline and laying down the law about how women will be treatred or else.......

now we have to ask them......if they feel ok to hand in their homework and why no one wants to teach this generation of feel good are up to opening ur books today gernation beng kind to ourselves .......do ur feel ok to get up today........?

barns open at 6am 7days a week.......365.............horses first.........period........no grey.........better be 30 min early.......dont care what u look like whether ur a beatufy quieen or not etc............barns open at 6.......reliablity reliablty reliabity reliabitly ..........70 horses dont feed themselves........the barns dont clean themselves etc............really sorts out the lazy boys and slimeballs fast.........arena needs to turned down.........by hand.......hay has to be stacked.....etc........bridles clean and hung correctly..........guys today..............pathetic........

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to

"they made it very clear they didn not apprecaite men who look below their noses."

Thank you Brig. It's good to hear your voice here.

MaggieSylvie profile image

I think it goes so deep in the male psyche that they give it no thought. To them, that's just the way it is. When I was about 27, way back in the seventies, I bought my own house (that was possible then but unheard of for a woman). The second mortgage lender said it had never given a mortgage to a single woman before but couldn't see any reason why they shouldn't, and so it went ahead. One day, my door bell rang and there was a man standing there. He confirmed who I was and then asked me if my father was in. I told him my father didn't live with me. Not sufficient for the man, he then said "Well, the man of the house, then", to which I said "I am the man of the house. This is my house." I can't remember what happened next but I think he just went away - unable to deal with a single woman. He may have been a researcher and in those days it was normal, though frowned on by female researchers, and you had to tick boxes. There was no possibility to ask a woman for her opinions, etc. Thank goodness things have changed a bit, but in some countries it is getting worse.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply toMaggieSylvie

Here in Wales It still happens, although not so frequently. I enjoy sending them off with a metaphorical flea in the ear!

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toMidori

I bet you do. Can you share some of your fleas?

Midori profile image
Midori in reply toMaggieSylvie

Sure, any time!

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toMidori


catsrock profile image

So powerful.

Wait a moment. Please?

I hear you. I am a woman, and I know how scared and angry we are at the misogyny we find.

But. There is a but.

I remember a sign I saw, oh, many years ago, at my local University, posted outside the woman's study college.

It was a poster, naming every man as a potential rapist.

No! I understand the fear and anger, but NO.

It is our wounds, and trauma, that lead us to prejudge half the world.

It's as wrong as the evil these men have in their hearts, seeing us as a means to an end.

That was deep. There are too many creepy men out there. Only after one thing. Do any men believe in being honorable and being a gentleman at all? I’m sure there’s ones out there who do, but there’s too many of them posing as players. Too much of this stupid porn out there where all it really is is human trafficking. I don’t sleep around, but with some of the crap I’ve been through and seen happen to other women. I feel like I’ve been with too many men. Feels like my innocence is gone. Don’t even get me started talking about politics. I’d like to get a bumper sticker saying, Don’t blame me for this mess, I voted for Hillary!!! Of course some Trump supporter in a pickup truck would probably try to run me off the road.

Midori profile image

I'm 74, and I can relate to all that. BTW, I'm lousy at algebra too! Mind you, I haven't needed to use it at all in my life.

Cheers, Midori

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