I am constantly sad. Even when I am happy I feel guilty about it. For some reason I’m a loser. I never feel satisfied with the way my life is and I’m lagging behind some of my peers. I’ve made so many wrong decisions concerning my life and my body. I wish for death but I don’t because I don’t trust what the afterlife may hold.
I say I’m a Christian but I find myself doubting God. Somedays I feel so lifted in the spirit and I sing praises and bless His name. I feel grateful for the little I have and for the grace bestowed upon me. Other days I feel so much rage and pain and wonder why the world was created to fail in the first place. If there’s any justice and why I was put on earth to sufffer for the sins of ancestors ages past.
Most of my friends and family tease me that I’m strong. They don’t know how much I cry. They don’t know I have flirted with death in my mind. You might say I should talk to them but they talk to me about their problems and I comfort them. I am a huge lump of sad clay.
I’ve tried cutting myself but it made me more depressed because I couldn’t even succeed at that. I hate pain. I want to die so bad but I feel like I’m destined for eternal pain because I’ve by some fault of mine mismanaged opportunities life has given me.
I’m aggressive, sweet, generous, kind, funny, crazy. I am every emotion when I need to be. I am the perfect chameleon. I don’t even know who I am deep down because I fit into whatever environment is thrown at me. The only thing I am sure of is that I’m a sad loser.
Everyone thinks I’m hardcore and strong. I motivate people. I preach to people. But I have lost hope on the inside. I tell people the things I should tell myself. The only difference is that it soothes them not me.
I don’t know why I’m here. I watch porn sometimes just to feel something. I date older married men because I don’t want the pain of rejection. With dating them I already understand that they’re not mine and if they leave it’s not because I’m not good enough. It’s simply because they were never mine. Everyone thinks I’m morally upright but my mind is as amoral as it comes. I’ve had an abortion for a married lover and the pain still haunts me till today. I killed my first child even before if I knew if it was a boy or girl. From the car I was led to the doctor then to the operating table. I never even gave myself the chance to think it through. After the doctor was done I couldn’t look at my excavated baby in the petridish beside me. I wish I had.
My mind. My warped mind. I’ve succeeded in creating a safe place in my mind. I create happy endings to my daily activities. In my mind, I am constantly in another place where I am happy, fulfilled and far away from my self made problems. I lose focus easily. I’m constantly day dreaming. It’s so bad aometimes I create pseudo identities on social media platforms where I give life to my imaginations. For a while I was a biracial lady married to an older man with two children. Another time I was a young lady with protective brothers and wealthy. One time I was a beautiful lady hurt by a man she didn’t know was married. Another time I am a woman with a devious and abusive spouse.
Most times I can’t wait to run to my safe place and imagine what life ought to be for me. Where I have a beautiful life surrounded by love and peace. I’m constantly daydreaming and would rather lay in bed imagining what it ought to be than deal with what is.
My family is not bad at all. It’s weird though because my siblings have cut themselves from depression. Wow. Now I see we are somewhat a mess. But my parents are good and Godly and have done their best. I will never put down good people because I’m looking for a reason for my inadequacies.
I want to reach out for help but I ask myself if I’m just being petty. After all, I’m alive, breathing, working, all my senses intact, surrounded by friends and family. Afterall, there are people out there with real life issues such as famine and war so who the hell am I to feel bad about anything? I mean, I have food and I can eat. What else is there to life?
I’m rambling now, forgive me. I’m just losing it daily and with each year I add I feel worse. Sometimes I feel I’ll go mental from suppressing my thoughts. I’ve thought of seeing a therapist but what exactly will I say is my ailment? Greed? A false sense of entitlement? Needing love? What is wrong with me if not a lack of contentment???????!!!!
I just hate me. I am a hazard to myself. I am unmotivated, lazy, a daydreamer, a procrastinator, disorganized et al. My appearance, my actions and my thoughts. I just hate me and feel like the world is not my home. I hate me very much.