so with my anxiety and depression making me physically ill. I decided to do sort of a refresh. I’m no longer smoking weed, doing yoga and lots of breathing exercises (actually got into diaphragmatic breathing 10/10 recommend having to focus on my breathing n if I’m doing it right tends to calm the anxiety 2x faster it even puts me to sleep to if do it in bed). I used weed as an avoidance mechanism but avoiding issues/feelings is causing repression which is causing sickness n im just over it. I think the hardest part about stopping the whole avoiding thing is I don’t know what I’ve really been avoiding till it triggers me n “facing it” usually results in a anxiety attack but if that’s what needs to happen I guess it’s time I let it. Idk I’m just a little nervous that I won’t get better mentally ever. Depression n anxiety are like lifetime issues, I’ve been dealing w it the majority of my life, n it scares me to my core that I’ll always be this way. Everywhere you read they say “there’s no cure but you can mange it”. Whatttt??? Seriously??? I’ve been “managing it” for so long n it’s exhausting. But I guess I’ll never know unless it try.
life changes : so with my anxiety and... - Anxiety and Depre...
life changes

I'm hear u.. every day is so different and difficult it gets exhausting I just want to a normal person and enjoy life
Good for you for making such healthy changes! I'm actually curious about breathing exercises. Haven't ever thought it would help or that I could do them successfully, so it's nice to hear when people find it helps.
I used to do like those regular “breathe along to calm anxiety” but those didn’t really work for me n if they did it was only for a really short moment. But diaphragmatic breathing was different because I really had to focus on how I was breathing n it feels like it’s fixing my breathing like I’m getting better breathes. I’d definitely look into it! It promotes gut health n a variety of things too!
I have like $50 bucks worth in my drawer. I was gonna wait till I finished it but that felt a little less like choosing to quit n more like simply running out. The coughing literally made my abdominal muscles sore.
Weed always made me paranoid, but i smoked for 10 years or so, almost daily. I haven't smoked recently, tho. 1 option is you can eat it, like put ot in cake mix or brownies. It takes much more of it, and is a different high, but it can resolve the coughing issue. I would just avoid it altogether, if i were u, because it will definitely mask ur problems. But, i just wanted to give u an option. It sometimes took 3 or 4 hours before i felt it after eating, so i would only take a specific test dose each day to see how it feels, & u can know whether to take more or less the next day. Don't say, "I don't feel anything," & take more, cuz it can all hit u at once, & u may regret it.
I’ve never smoked weed and I never will. In my teens and early 20s I toyed around with smoking cigarettes but my Dad smokes and he won’t quit and I hate it so I do not want to be like him and I don’t smoke. I don’t drink alcohol too much either, I’ll have a beer once in awhile.
Welcome 🙏. ... sounds like you're doing great! Congrats RtC!🙏. I've been doing slow deep breathing, muscle tension relaxation, and visualization/mindfulness and it helps me also! ...really proud of you!👍...Keep it up and don't ever change!🙏
I never smoked either and rarely drink some people say smoking really helps I'd probably freak out
Couple times in the last week I took half a gummy with a touch of THC and mostly CBD. Slept like a baby and woke refreshed. I don't like the full experience but that was perfect.
If I am repressing something restore yoga or sound baths will bring it out. Last week I did an Iyengar class with a ton of heart openers. Totally released something. I was mentally exhausted later.
Good awareness on your part about the anxiety being a signal that somethings going on for you that needs to be addressed and processed. It can be confusing trying to piece together our background and understand why we are the way we are and how we got that way. It really helps to know what stories we are telling ourselves about ourself, others and life. I think it's critical for healing to take the time to investigate your childhood, relationship with your parents, etc... did you suffer any traumas, what are your wounds, etc... you can do this on your own or even better with a good therapist. Another important part is becoming aware of what messages you are subconsciously telling yourself and what your beliefs are because they are the ones driving you. There is good info on this on youtube. Also know that your anxiety will more than likely be elevated because your subconscious is trying to keep you safe and stuck in your old paradigm so the trick is to welcome it and ignore it. I don't know if there is a "cure" but I do know that it is possible to heal and live a full life.
What a great start. I'm proud of you. If you are only 18 you still have time to reprogram your thinking easier than a lot of us. When I started with problems after a family tragedy at 8, it didn't hit me until 12 and took awhile to recover. Very sensitive to change and threats. If I had the tools accessible today, I know I would have been OK. But life events may trigger and usually do sensitive people. They may last awhile and you need to consistent in your practice. I eventually did. I would say never get on pills doctors may try to get you on. (Unless you get a severe mental diagnosis.) It takes a long hard time to get off most of them. Build a faith and community of faith. Say a loud "No" to temptations that cause backsliding to change those pathways in your brain. Giving in makes it harder next time.