personal hygiene : why is personal... - Anxiety and Depre...

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personal hygiene

CaliBoa22 profile image
119 Replies

why is personal hygiene so fucking hard? I just had an anxiety attack cause I smelled yet couldn’t bring myself to shower. I start to blame my parents like “why didn’t they hook me up with these basic life essentials?” But honestly it’s just cause if I blame myself it sends me spiraling into a pit of “not good enough”. I genuinely don’t understand why it’s so hard for me. N when I’m doing it it’s like nothing, it’s enjoyable even. So why do I get this feeling of absolute dread? Or I honestly just avoid it. I just ignore it. But why am I okay with avoiding and ignoring myself ? Idk man. Hard questions. Anyways off topic but what do you guys do after an anxiety attack? I usually just take a nap cause it exhausts me but my mom keeps pushing me to shower right after every time so that I “wash it away”. Which is cool n it does help but it’s kinda counterproductive when the reason I have an anxiety attack is cause I don’t wanna shower. But I can’t exactly explain that to her cause she wouldn’t understand. Imma be hit with a “seriously?” N that might just send me into another anxiety attack lmao. Hope y’all are having a better day!

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CaliBoa22 profile image
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119 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

My doctor has told me that it is not necessary to take a shower every day. He feels it can cause too much skin dryness, and recommends only 4 a week. If it bothers you you do not need to shower every day, although you may want to talk about this fear with your psychiatrist. x

SayNOtoPanic profile image

Honestly Cali idk wtf it is about showers when ur going through anxiety bout but yes that can cause an anxiety attack and it’s not pretty or fun. I experienced that during a set back and something that helps is an exercise. You get in the shower and u start naming things around u and spelling them backwards. So your focus becomes on that and before u know it shower is over and u haven’t responded to fear or worrisome thoughts. Try it out hope it can help. Hugs.

AnxiousSilver profile image
AnxiousSilver in reply to SayNOtoPanic

"You get in the shower and u start naming things around u and spelling them backwards."

You do that too?

Here, I don't do that in the shower, (I have a stand up shower with not many words to see) but I'll try saying a word backwards in my mind.

If I'm out for a walk and feel anxious, I'll look at numbers (home, license plates, street sign) and try adding them up in my head.

SayNOtoPanic profile image
SayNOtoPanic in reply to AnxiousSilver

I do that too AnxiousSilver

SCC1 profile image

Hi CaliBoa22.

I have EXACTLY the same problem. I don't know why I can't do it either. Sometimes I go 7-10 days w/ a shower. Yeah, I can tell too. Lol.

It's just about the hardest chore for me to get done. I like to be clean, of course, but getting to that point, is a hard thing for me to do.

I am envious of ppl who say "oh I have to shower before I go out", or "before I go to bed". Some say they take 2 showers a day. (Don't really know anyone who does that, but have read about it many times.)

It's nothing for others to "simply" take a shower. I can't figure it out, why it's so hard for me to do! But it bothers me so much. I feel guilty for not taking 1 and beat myself up.

I end up going out a lot of times w/out one, and I'm always thinking ppl can tell I haven't showered. That gives me anxiety on a scale of 100.

Sorry for the long reply for showers only, but this has been a long-time problem for me, and I'm so glad you brought this up. Now, I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who has problems w/ this.

We will figure this out eventually! xx

CaliBoa22 profile image
CaliBoa22 in reply to SCC1

lmao no thank you for the long reply it’s comforting to know someone else has the same issue !!

SCC1 profile image

To add to my original reply, it IS ok once I get in the shower. I'm thinking "this isn't so bad, I will start taking 1 way more often". But that never happens. Then I'm in the same cycle I was in in the 1st place. Showers and brushing my teeth are the biggest hygiene problems for me. And honestly, it pisses me off!

My shower has been the prime recipient of so much anger. I'm sure it's deeply offended. SayNoToPanic's comment reminded me of something. I think the reason why it creates so much anxiety for us is that it's where we think too much. The trick then becomes how to distract ourselves while showering.

Sillysausage234 profile image

there’s always the wheelie bin ….

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Sillysausage234

in reply to Sillysausage234

I lost it with the tea!😂 and then with the siren!😂

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

nice socks

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

Very high end, posh as you would say

in reply to Sillysausage234

Why thank you. Bought them yesterday.

Chicken leg socks
in reply to Sillysausage234

bought this too

Chicken dress
Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

very Norwegian

in reply to Sillysausage234

Sure is... I swear I'm getting more Norwegian by the day

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

Is this for real?? Soaking in a garbage can?


Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Dolphin14

it’s the uk pointless having outdoor pools or hot tubs …. it’s always raining,just swill the bin out and put a little stool in …..can even put a couple of goldfish in for when you’re entertaining guests as a conversation piece .

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

I would have no problem sitting in a hot tub in the rain. Even better a snow storm.

I would have a problem sitting in a garbage can in any type of weather.

Oh sh*t, I did just spit my coffee with the last sentence... hahaha.... goldfish for entertainment. You are something else SS :)

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Dolphin14

the only person in uk with a hot tub and disco lights is Gerrerd

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

Well then I'm going to have to say he's got the right idea.

Do you put your garbage cans on the sidewalk for pick up? Do all the neighbors swim in the garbage cans on trash pick up day?

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Dolphin14

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

omg friggen hysterical. I love listen to the English accent having a disagreement it makes me laugh. He called the guy a pervert hahahah

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Dolphin14

people take criticism about their bin seriously

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

I can understand that. It's about taking pride in your garbage can.

Well if you ever get sick of garbage can or koi pond swimming hop a plane to the USA plenty of pools and hot tubs to stretch out in

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Dolphin14

like the guy said… in my own bin

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

That guy def loved his bin. Maybe the perv should have brought his bin over for a pool party.

It is quite creative gotta say that.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Dolphin14

😂…stop judging it’s very innovative

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

Taking pride in your garbage bins.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra

Those are some beautiful garbage can pools


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14

There’s tutorials on YouTube……But after all that work, somebody would come along and permanently borrow it, I’m afraid.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Isinatra


Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Dolphin14


MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Sillysausage234

🤣🤣🤣Omg that is hilarious - especially the ending ! Just what I needed - a good laugh . Cheers !

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

How often do you swim in your garbage can SS

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to Dolphin14

I got a koi pond 😄

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to Sillysausage234

Is it as deep as a garbage can?

primrose81 profile image
primrose81 in reply to Sillysausage234

My husband loved this video - he was listening in and was convinced it was Victoria Wood! So funny, thank you

primrose81 profile image
primrose81 in reply to primrose81

Gosh I am way behind here, I was talking about SillySausage’s video of the lady in the wheelie bin…

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to primrose81

glad he liked it …i can see why …someone pmd me to ask are the videos spoofs but the funny thing is it just highlights uk eccentricity 😄

Darkhouse profile image

I'm the same way hun... Don't beat yourself up. As others have said, we over-bathe in this country because of all of our resources and time, unless you're working out daily to a sweat, you probably don't need a shower daily. I have fibromyalgia and live a very sedentary life, so I only shower once a week. I use baby wipes in between if needed, they count as a bath in my book, anyway. I only wash my hair once a month maybe (it's curly, we don't have to wash ours as much or at all)... I also will take baths rather than showers as they help me deal w my anxiety and they're easier for me to wash up in w my chronic pain. Even w all of that, it's still a chore that I have to psych myself out for. Like seriously, "OK, you got this. You can do it. You'll feel better. You'll smell better. Others will want to be near you" etc etc.... The struggle is real....

Your mum sounds sweet, trying to help w the anxiety attacks even if she doesn't quite get them for you. "Just wash it away" makes sense on some level🙂 After one, I do my breathing exercises, and I might try to meditate. I might nap too, they are exhausting! I cry sometimes. I get on here and talk to peeps, that helps.... I ground by touching my husband. I joke that he's my physical xanax...but even touching his leg or arm will help calm me down and bring me back to "here". When I had pets, I'd pet them. A lot.... That's a really good question!!!

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to Darkhouse

I agree with the washing too often especially youngsters who shower and wash their hair daily which isn’t good for your hair, it washes all the oils out. I am of the older generation who used to have to take baths when there was no central heating, and cold Lino on the floor, freezing in winter ! Unless you have a dirty job or sweat profusely there is no need.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Arymretep

We used to have a paraffin heater in the bathroom! 🫢

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to Rachmaninov2

Yes 👍

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to Arymretep

Shock, horror!

yep, that can do it.

(Well, there goes my shower for today...😅)

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to


in reply to Isinatra

I was so looking forward to that shower, too... 🙄

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

Take a PTA bath instead…just for today.😁

in reply to Isinatra

What's PTA? (and please don't say "Parent Teacher Association"😅)

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to

😂 I’ll pm you….

CL3V3R-G1RL profile image

I have been pondering this dilemma that seems to plague a few people and I have an idea on why.

Maybe the reason for the anxiety towards the shower 🚿 has to do with the fact that you are alone and in a very vulnerable state. When you have a panic attack, you already think you're going to die and you're naked. Even before you actually get the water on. You are already spiraling in thoughts of what if this happens or that. What if you need help in the shower cause of the panic attack but no one helps because they can't hear you? And you're off to the races.

Me, I love showers. Especially hot showers. It prepares me for when I go to hell 😂

Maybe that's what is needed here... Humor. Next time you need to take a shower 🚿 ponder these weird funny thoughts. Talk to your anxiety ask it stupid questions. Like "ok, anxiety if I were to die from taking a shower which we both know I won't cause you lie all the damn time. But let's say you are right, then I will be famous. I'll appear in hundreds of medical journals for years!" Then start your shower 🚿 and still think about other things like "ok, if you die and you come back with whatever you are wearing. So if I die here, I'm going to be naked and wet for eternity? Or just naked? How many ghosts are wondering around naked? Have I touched a naked ghost 👻? " 😂

As for your other question. For me when I have an anxiety attack, I go lay down and nap. It makes me feel better. Helps reset me.

SayNOtoPanic profile image
SayNOtoPanic in reply to CL3V3R-G1RL

you hit the nail on the head!! It’s the they’re gonna find you dead and butt naked in the damn shower.

I experience somewhat the same feeling. Knowing I need a shower causes me great anxietyand I will put it off for days. Once I force myself into the shower, I'm in a hurry to get out. Then I feel good that I did it. I have no idea why this happens. Just want you to know you are not alone.

MadBunny profile image

Wont let me play it as it's asking for id to verify my age- which I'm not willing to do ( not because of my age lol but for security reasons )

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to MadBunny

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to Sillysausage234

Thanks. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Nothing_but_books

They wonder why I don't drive, after 66 years I'm expletive,💩, another expletive, 💩💩, 'very'💩 never had!😤🤭🤭🤭

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Sillysausage234

Thanks 🤗

Xene profile image
Xene in reply to Sillysausage234


MadBunny profile image

You'll love it

in reply to MadBunny

Ummm...guys? Has anyone seen the original poster? I hope we haven't scared him off.

(sorry, MadBunny, but randomly chose someone to comment to)

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

No problem😁🤗

MadBunny profile image

oh no not them again😱🤣

MadBunny profile image

As long as its not in the shower😱

AXXES2 profile image

i usually do same thing i just take a nap ,and then i eat something i force myself to eat and then while i eat i might watch a movie or listen to music to forget that i had an attack

Isinatra profile image

What’s it so happy about?

SayNOtoPanic profile image

Let’s normalize the sink bath! Grab a wipe, slap some body wash on it (the baby soaps are great as they don’t need to be rinsed off), wipe those pits, wipe that rear and move on. In between a shower once a week should suffice. And try to make it a goal to do the exercises when you do jump in the shower and prayers up to build the resilience to that anxiety. 🙏🏻

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to SayNOtoPanic

Yes and think of all the water we re savings as well 👍 I love baby wipes.

SCC1 profile image

Thank you for your help! I have used baby wipes before, but I think you're talking about actual wash wipes ?? I will look for them next time I go shopping! xx

SayNOtoPanic profile image

100 percent!!!

SCC1 profile image

That was kind of you to do. I'm sure that was high on the list for things they needed. ❤

Annapolis123 profile image

Totally get where you are coming from. Sometimes just getting yourself out of bed is an accomplishment. The idea of showering or moving from a place you feel comfortable can cause anxiety. What is worse, though is knowing you can't do it. You can.

It's one of those odd fears I haven't figured out yet. Reminding myself I'm in a safe space and nothing bad is going to happen takes energy. It is incredibly hard to force yourself to do something during depression.

I make deals with myself. I only do what I'm able and a little more. That might mean sitting on the toilet and flossing my teeth. Then if that goes ok, I'll brush them and then convince myself that the water will feel good. It always does. Once I'm up sometimes I can do other things.

It's a day by day thing. Knowing that you tried something, anything helps. Course good medical care helps too however, there is no magic pill and if there was it would take time

Knowing that you tried helps. Every single thing you think you can't do but do helps. Try to do what you can and celebrate each thing. Write it down in a journal so you can remember.

Sorry for the long post.

Hope you feel better soon.


SayNOtoPanic profile image
SayNOtoPanic in reply to Annapolis123

beautiful advice and encouragement. Thank you so much for sharing.

Isinatra profile image

There is no other part.

SCC1 profile image

Someone made a comment below, that they hope the comments didn't "scare you off".

I don't know if I need to say this, but just want you to know, that NO ONE is making jokes out of your situation. We have all experienced (much) pain w/ depression/anxiety/other, and sometimes we need to find humor in things to lighten the burden of situations we are dealing with.

This is a good group of ppl here, and although we laugh at things, we still take what is being said, seriously. We are all here to help each other.


in reply to SCC1

That was me. It was right after it hit me that the OP might have thought we were (and I was) being disrespectful.

Sillysausage234 profile image
Sillysausage234 in reply to

it just shows your highly sensitive side Minnie that’s admirable……I’m sure our poster friend wasn’t offended just turned off her alerts ….sometimes posts just blow up 😄😬…caliboa did come in and reply to someone I noticed and wasn’t discombobulated I’m sure she’ll forgive us ….maybe

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to

I don't think you have to be sorry. It was all said in humor, and like I had mentioned, we still need to laugh at things. It doesn't mean we are being disrespectful.

in reply to SCC1

This is true. I do appreciate your comment to assure that the the topic is taken seriously. I thought that was very nice of you! You're right; none of us is being disrespectful. I just got it into my head that he might have thought so. I swear it's a curse sometimes to anticipate other's feelings.... It's like my brain is so uncomfortable anticipating my needs/feelings that it gets into everyone else's.😅

SCC1 profile image
SCC1 in reply to

Definitely true for me too! Thank you! xx

Mrspjsmom profile image

I really like the idea of washing the panic attack away. For me I overthink taking a shower. Get in the shower, wash my hair, dry off, put on lotion, dry my hair and on and on...just thinking about it is exhausting!

in reply to Mrspjsmom

I completely overthink it too. I never used to be this way but lately it goes something like this: “shower? Ok, but it’s too cold, or it’s too hot, what do I wear after shower, am I going anywhere, can I look like crap, do I have to dress properly, are pj’s ok, what’s clean, what’s in dirty clothes, maybe no clean bath towels, then the whole hair issue, way to tangled after shower, to much work, forgot to get haircut, need to call stylist, where’s the new anti-tangle stuff I bought, can’t find it, men in house using my razors, crap, so no shaving, so why bother with shower, bath robe all wrong, doesn’t fit right … and on and on my list goes.” I’m such a great procrastinator and definitely feeling you on the overthinking.😀

AnxiousSilver profile image
AnxiousSilver in reply to

"men in house using my razors"


Then again, I've always use an electric razor, but still. :)

in reply to AnxiousSilver

Yes, seriously! I even buy pink ones hoping that will help. It’s useless.

AnxiousSilver profile image
AnxiousSilver in reply to

I needed that laugh.

Thanks. :)

in reply to

Daaaannggg!!!!! And I thought I was bad....Btw, I braved a shower today. I thought about announcing it before I did.

The pre- title: "I'm going in, wish me luck!". The post-title: "Phew! I survived, yippee!!"

in reply to

Yes my thought process on this is pretty bad. I can come up with more excuses than you could imagine. Sundays a good day for a shower. Good for you! Cleanliness is next to Godliness. I will get there later today … but you know it’s too cold right now … 🤣

in reply to

Yes, I was so pleased with myself!!

Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say (it's too cold)🙄

MadBunny profile image

I saw these on QVC the other day - they looked really interesting. I'd never heard of such a thing. Don't know if they're available in other places

in reply to MadBunny

What a great invention! Going to search my area for these. 👍

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

I wish I'd known about them when my RA was really bad a few years ago, and I struggled with personal care. I think there might be other brands too.

in reply to MadBunny

These could be an answer to my prayers. I was just replying to Mrspjsmom about the whole shower issue and overthinking and procrastinating it. It always comes down to hair, long and tangly, which I hate dealing with. These caps are such a great idea. Or, cutting hair all off, which I might get mad enough and do one day. Idk, but I’m definitely investing in these caps. Will let you know how they work.👍🙏😀

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

Yes please do. I'll be interested to know if they work. I dont have a problem with hair length as mine has been a short crop for a very long time 😁🤗

in reply to MadBunny

Found these on Amazon. Looks similar.

Help me decide on this product: Vive No Rinse Shampoo Cap (6 pcs) - Soft Shower Caps with Conditioner - Scentless Hair Wash and Care - Disposable, Waterless and Microwavable - Perfect for Post-Surgery, Elderly and Rehabilitation (White)

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

Thanks 👍

in reply to MadBunny

Would love to get short haircut. Waiting for the day I get mad enough to have the nerve to cut it all off. Seems to be coming soon😀

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to

I had mine done after a relationship break up. He was always saying that he liked my hair so I went out and had it cut short!!! A kind of gesture of 'I'm through with men 'lol. I liked it so much its been short ever since.

in reply to MadBunny

yes very liberating. I’m almost there, just overthinking it, image that?

Yeah, water! Sink is much faster, enjoy!

MadBunny profile image

I've been in bed most of the day - this cough is still so bad and keeping me awake at night.

Sillysausage234 profile image

I refuse to let you torment me tonight I’m binge watching doc Martin

Sillysausage234 profile image

dr Doolittle

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Sillysausage234


MadBunny profile image

Sorry to disappoint you but it isnt. Bazzak managed 403 on his Battersea Park photo post on PWB lol

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to MadBunny

I remember that one, pictures of London, PWB, classic!🤗🤗🤗🤗

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Adlon57

I can't sleep so I've been looking through some of his posts. The jokes were often bad but the London photos were fantastic. And as for the banter- such fun. He really helped to keep spirits up during Covid , bless him.🤗🤗🤗

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to MadBunny

Just remembering some of those, and the craic as we say over here, priceless!👍👍

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to MadBunny



MadBunny profile image

Thank you🤗Just got to let it take its course🙄

MadBunny profile image

Yes. Im resting and having a lot of hot drinks 🤗

MadBunny profile image

Dont trust a cat 🤗

He's waiting for you.......
MadBunny profile image

And another one of Bazzaks posts clocked up 645- the one about reminiscing about the past 😁

Bear and I both need haircuts and facials. Too bad we can’t go together.

Infamousbody profile image

When we don't love ourselves, it comes out in other ways It's a protest that people just don't understand

I get you

I hear you

I understand you

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