I’m not really sure how this works but I need to find some kind of help. I’ve always struggled with anxiety and depression but the past few months it’s gotten worse. The biggest problem I’ve been having lately is that I’ve been getting really bad panic attacks when I’ve been driving and it’s getting to the point where I can’t go places because I’m so affraid they’ll happen again and then of course they do. When I have a panic attack when I’m driving it’s so scary I feel like I’m totally losing control even though I’m not and I have to pull over. I don’t know how to explain it other than an almost out of body experience where I feel like I have no control of what I’m doing because I’m so scared. These happen to me mostly on the highway which is even more dangerous. I don’t know if this makes any sense but if it does and if anyone can help me figure out a way to deal with this I would love to hear about it. I feel totally trapped and don’t know how to live like this.
My anxiety is taking over my life - Anxiety and Depre...
My anxiety is taking over my life

Hi Pawnee I had the same trouble with my anxiety about 15 years ago. It was so bad I didn't feel safe driving. I ended up having to go on medication for a while and counselling and learning to properly hyperventilate. It did pass but it was a very difficult time for me. I still struggle with anxiety but not to the same degree.
Oh my god i thought i was the only one. This happens to me and i feel like something bad will happen. I feel as if its hard to swallow my own saliva get clammy hands and have to pull over the car. I dont know why this happens but would like to know how to deal with it. I have to pinch myself open windows to make sure im still alive. Terrifying experience
I thought I was the only one also and I feel the same way when it happens to me! Last week when it happened to me I was on a 2 hour drive somewhere and was seriously about to pull over and see if I could get a family member come get me because I didn't know how I was going to finish the drive. I ended up pulling over and as weird as it sounds I just got myself into depressed thinking and that's how I got through it. That's not what I think is the right way to go about it but it was the only thing that got me through the drive. I went to the doc and got a prescription for paxil so I'm hoping that will start helping along with counseling. Sorry for the long response but it feels really better knowing I'm not alone in experiencing this.
You need to see a doc and tell them u have panic attacks. They’ll probably give u a benzo.

I did see a doc yesterday thank you for your response. The gave me some Xanax. Is that different from a benzo?
Yes Xanax is a benzo. It will work wayyy faster than an ssri. I am currently on 100mg Zoloft for my anxiety and ocd and depression. I never been prescribed a benzo.