Heart anxiety taking over my life 18 ... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Heart anxiety taking over my life 18 years old

alexandral7 profile image
20 Replies

Hello everyone, this is my first post on here and I was just wondering if anybody had the same experience as me - I will try and keep the story concise, but any advice/comments would really be appreciated!

I'm 18 years old and just finished my A levels - since November last year i would occasionally (once or twice a month) get heart palpitations which felt like heart flutters/a sensation that my heart was dropping. I thought nothing of these as the first time was just after a gym class and the other I figured was anxiety. Until just after Christmas I had drank quite a bit one night and the following night I had these continuous palpitations or ectopic beats which after about 11 hours suddenly just went. (I have not had them like this since). I started to get really worried as I am a hypochondriac and asked my mum to get an appointment with my GP (who is really nice). After visiting him he explained that loads of people my age get them and not to worry and said he would give me an ECG and blood test just incase. Both came back normal except my bloods showed I was deficient in Vitamin D and was prescribed high dose supplements. In late January I began to try drinking normally again and at first I had a few odd beats but these subsided - I did not have any palpitations/ectopic beats for about 5 months (maybe one here or there) and figured it was all due to my deficiency and it was great.

Fast forward up until about late June I was days away from my last exam and chilling at my boyfriends house after a really hot day - we were watching a film and all of a sudden I had a cluster of heart flutters that lasted about 3 seconds but really really made me anxious and upset. But again I tried to find reasoning and thought it was just stress of exams/having finished my vitamin d supplements. My boyfriend also occasionally gets them too which helps reassure me they are normal. I seem to link them to alcohol but I'm not sure why. This is when my anxiety started getting really bad - a week later I was about to go on my first girls holiday with 2 friends and I had another ectopic beat while we were in duty free, I was really upset and afraid that I felt I couldn't drink as much as them or enjoy the holiday cause my mind was overtaken by this heart anxiety that something was wrong. I was not drinking any alcohol and when I did it was very little/ not as much as them. On about the 5th day I had a small ectopic beat which lead into a full panic attack as I was really worried and upset and we were supposed to be there for another 2 nights. Unfortunately, my anxiety got so bad I figured I would be better getting an early flight home to go see my GP again, get reassurance and work on my anxiety around this. I felt so upset that I had ruined the holiday for them but on the other hand I didn't want to stay and just be anxious even more.

I saw my GP about 2 weeks after this is which he reassured me nothing was wrong and explained how ectopic beats are just a misfired electrical signal and not helped by adrenaline. He diagnosed me with episodic anxiety and offered me another ECG to calm my nerves. It is now a month later and he has prescribed me with propranolol which I have yet to try, I have been taking the Magnesium Taurate (with his approval) for about 5 days and it is hard to tell whether it has been beneficial yet but we will see hopefully. This is really starting to affect my mental health as I feel I should be having the best summer of my life but I'm just always anticipating the next ectopic beat or too scared to drink alcohol like I used too. Another main factor in this is that I am going to university in September and that is full of drinking and partying and I am afraid I will be made fun of for not drinking as much like other people. It really is making me upset and I really want to see a cardiologist just to reassure me it is nothing structural etc. as I think this would benefit me. I also feel like my heart beats really fast after I eat, and I can sometimes feel small ectopics when I bend over quickly. Sometimes the ectopic feels like a skipped beat and other times they feel like flutters. I get them now about once every few - 5 days. But I think I get smaller ones almost once everyday. I feel like I am constantly feeling my pulse. But I do not know why these are happening but my anxiety will not let me believe it is the anxiety itself!

This is just taking over my life and I want it to be normal again, is this how my new life is going to be?Any advice would be really helpful and sorry for the long story! :)

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alexandral7 profile image
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20 Replies

Hi and welcome to this comunity! No advice from me. I just wanted to welcome you.

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to

Thank you so much 😊

b1b1b1 profile image

seeing a cardiologist might be worthwhile for the purpose of helping to reduce your anxiety. As to drinking, discuss this with the cardiologist or your gp. Excessive, or binge drinking would not be a good idea for your general health, regardless of what other students are doing. Ask your doctor how many drinks per day is OK.

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to b1b1b1

Thank you for your advice 😊 yes the propranolol my GP prescribed me is a low dose and he said to try before a night out (if drinking a little) and see how that goes.

Fearoffear profile image

This podcast is all about heart anxiety and what your heart normally does and why. You have your gp saying it is anxiety so you know deep down it isn't your heart. I have delt with this for years and after I heard this podcast it all started making sense. Hope it helps you!!


Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to Fearoffear

It says it’s not available 🤔

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to Fearoffear

Thank you for your advice and recommendation 😊 I will give that a go.

Arymretep profile image

Hi , alexandral, would definitely take the propranolol regularly , they helped me a lot with my palpitations and anxiety

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to Arymretep

Thank you for your reply 😊

aequitas1983 profile image

As someone with health anxiety....especially related to the heart....I would definitely try to take faith in the doctor's assurances. You're in an unlikely category to have heart issues and if there was something, I would hope they would have seen it by now. This doesn't mean you're wrong....someone above mentioned a cardiologist and that might be worth visiting to give you an ultimate "It's okay" clearance. I would definitely say based on my own issues that drinking seems to make things worse. My anxiety was always sky high the next day. I'm mostly dried out (I drink N/A beer now) and I don't miss the next day issues. It may be worth seeing if reducing drinking helps reduce the sensation....moderate more if needed. I know this isn't exactly fun, but unfortunately there are always trade offs. Also edited here to add: if you begin the beta blocker....reduction in drinking will be advised I believe. I'm not a doctor or trained in medicine so just my opinion here. As for drinking in the future and not being cool....people worthy of being in your life will understand your situation. When I went to sobriety and to drinking NA beers, my friends and good people understood. Those who can't or won't....bye bye. Your health is worth more than that.

I do take a beta blocker (atenolol) which is what propranolol is. It will settle your pulse and blood pressure. Many performers/pubic speakers actually take the medication and it helps them do what they do. I take my atenolol for anxiety but I also had borderline pre-hypertension (probably from drinking....it was above moderation when I was doing this). It does help a lot. My only recommendation with beta blockers is to allow your body to adjust to the medication since it can cause orthostatic hypotension when you begin. This might mean being lightheaded, dizzy, or almost fainting when you do something such as standing too quickly after sitting. This sensation typically goes away as your body becomes accustomed to the medication.....I experienced it twice. Both times, I just sat back down until my body adjusted....and was okay. Another thing to watch is if you have asthma, propranolol can cause this to become worse. This is why I was switched from propranolol to what they call a cardio selective beta (atenolol) which focuses on the beta receptors mostly in the heart.

As for anxiety....it's always going to exacerbate what you're feeling the most when you have it. Mine is my pulse which always takes off when panic or anxiousness sets in. The beta blocker will cut that off from being so bad. As for palpitations....they are directly linked to anxiety. (Dr. Google confirms....which I hate using, but it is the truth). When you feel sensations, they may just be that: sensations. I have health anxiety so I feel dumb for saying do as I say, not as I do because I totally know where you're coming from. But every time I see a doctor and my blood/EKGs look good....and we know I have anxiety.....we're left having to just trust the professional. A cardiologist for peace of mind might be a worthy investment. After that, I think using meditation might be helpful as far as exploring these sensations with curiosity instead of with an anxious response. You may find you're able to settle them just using meditation and the beta blocker.

Best wishes with this, I know it's absolutely frustrating and we all want our lives to be as normal as possible. We all deserve that peace of mind to live free of our circumstances. I don't think you're doomed as far as a new life style that's uncomfortable. Try some meditation and give the beta blocker a shot....see how you feel. If it's less than desired, time to visit the GP again and see what other options there are. One last piece of advice!! Once you begin taking the beta blocker on a regular basis, do not stop taking it without talking to your doctor. While it is not an addictive medication, your body begins to function with it as a daily occurrence. Stopping the medication on your own without titrating off of it could cause your blood pressure and pulse to increase dramatically. So if you ever reach a point where you're ready to be done with that medication, make a plan with your GP to safely withdraw from the medication. Hope this all helps and sending you the best of luck with your health!

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to aequitas1983

Thank you so much for your response, advice and recommendations 😊 I really appreciate it. I still do get them if I don’t drink alcohol but knowing the alcohol could exacerbate them it frightens me a bit. Thanks so much for all the recommendations and your personal experience - yes I find not having the hangover the next day is worth it ! My GP did reassure me that he isn’t trying to ‘fob’ me off and has taken lots of care into making sure I feel okay and reassured. But sometimes the anxiety just ruins it and gives you the worry that it is something more sinister. Yes my GP only recommended that I try it before a social situation where there is drinking but mentioned I should try it first at home in a calm setting which is what I will do tonight. Thank you for your advice again and sharing your experience with me - all the best 😊

aequitas1983 profile image
aequitas1983 in reply to alexandral7

Absolutely and as far as drinking....I don't think it would have that major of an impact as much as it possibly could stir up some issues. It is a diuretic, so the dehydration could possibly cause some issues.....but I don't believe to an extent so bad that it would be harmful unless you go drastically overboard. As far as the medication and alcohol, I would be careful....though my own nurse told me people do indeed drink on it (one of them like a fish she said). I think that was more of advice to stop worrying so much....but also to keep a close eye not to go overboard. And I totally agree and understand the anxiety ruining all the safe guards we hear from our doctor. It only takes one scare post visit to return to fearing everything we have been told is perfectly okay! Ugh! Lol. But best wishes and I wish you the best of success heading to university!

compasnet profile image

Welcome. Make your post as long pr as short as you feel comfortable. I've had heart palpitations and have used meditation to help it. I don't think you should be concerned about people thinking you're not good enough because you're not drinking and partying at university.

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to compasnet

Thank you for your kind words 😊

compasnet profile image
compasnet in reply to alexandral7

y w

Hope4me1 profile image

Welcome to HU! I have had an anxiety disorder all my life. When stressful times come my anxiety can increase. When I was a teen I also had skipped beats of my heart. It would frighten me and I didn’t know what to do. They have been with me on and off and I’ve learned over the years that they are just a nuisance and not serious. Often this fluttering or rapid increase of pulse rate happens out of nowhere and for me it lasts only minutes and subsides. I have had EKGs, ultrasounds, halter monitors, and stress tests. All tell me I have a strong and healthy heart. This skipping heart now and then seems to go along with anxiety disorder in some people. I remind myself that nothing is wrong and I might feel these flutterings or palpitations on occasions and they leave just as fast. No worries.

As for drinking, I would always socially have a healthy red wine in small amounts as this is beneficial. If you feel the need to fit in a group of heavy drinkers, please think again. This is unhealthy behavior. There are good people out there who will accept you as you are. Cherish their friendship and forget the ones that would criticize you or belittle you for not wanting to engage in unhealthy behavior. You are young and will learn many things. Choose wisely and the world will reward you when you do. I wish you well and a rewarding college experience.😊🌻

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to Hope4me1

Thank you for sharing your own experience and advice this is very helpful😊 yes the feeling is the worst part as I’m the fluttering sensation I just hate it 😢 even if it is a couple seconds it is enough to frighten me but I need to try and gain better perspective. Did the sensations for you differ e.g sometimes fluttering in your chest / sometimes a skipped beat ? Thank you for your kind words and I’m hoping I will make some nice friends who accept me for who I am. I really appreciate your advice - all the best 😊

Hope4me1 profile image
Hope4me1 in reply to alexandral7

I can have a skipped beat that feels like a moment of the heart changing rhythm for a moment. Fluttering is more of a sensation of the heart tripping a little then back to normal. Scary yes, but try to remember always: it’s quite harmless.

Chat with me anytime!😊🌷

alexandral7 profile image
alexandral7 in reply to Hope4me1

Thank you 😊 it’s hard to distinguish what they feel like and what are flutters or extra beats !

Hope4me1 profile image
Hope4me1 in reply to alexandral7

I know! It’s always reassuring to tell yourself it’s all okay!😉

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