I'm sick. I have been at my job since march and have had the worst luck. Two colds, a surgery, and one incident in which I had to borrow nausea medicine. The last didn't include time off but I included it to show how I feel things are building up. I have health issues and have been teased about being constantly sick. I know this looks bad but I honestly can't help it and I have bad days and power through.
Tomorrow I am working from home for the second day in a row with the flu. I ask my boss if a second day of WORKING at home was okay. This was at four, she just texted back at ten “that's fine” am I being crazy or is she mad? Do you guys think this makes me look bad at work? My parents say it does and like I’m dramatic. BTW they made me do extensive chores over the holiday until I was dying (it felt, not really ) because they think every aliment I have is from stress ie fake. I hate this. Please if anyone has anything helpful to add pls do.