So, I’m supposed to get tested for STD’s in a little less then a month. However, I haven’t been with anyone for a year. The reason I’m getting tested is because I recently had a blood and urine test and some things came back strange; yet, I don’t have any physical symptoms for an STD. So, it may be nothing, but I’m nervous because the guy I was with a year ago was a little shady and more then likely cheated on me. One conversation in particular bothered me, because he kept interigating me and asking me if I had an STD, I then reminded him that I was a virgin till being with him and that I had only been with him. So, I knew I was clean. However, he had been married and divorced and had been with mulitiple women before me (and likely while with me as well) I’m concerned because we never used condoms because I was on the pill and he claimed he was tested and clean.
Unfortunately, after we broke up. His grandma told me I should get tested for an STD because his wife had problems when giving birth to their child and she claimed it might be due to an STD because she had problems getting pregnant in general. (Infertility is a common symptom for Gonorrhea.) and the symptoms are almost completely undetectable to women, but are physically detectable for men. So, this is why I’m concerned.
This being said, because I had no symptoms, I blew off what his grandmother told me and just took his word. This is what I’m anxious about, because I really don’t want to have an STD from the first jerk I slept with, or in general, you know?
Here is my conflict
I’m still friends (barely in contact) with his best friend, and his wife. They were always kind to me and would even help me out whenever I needed someone. Quite the contrast to my jerk of an ex. Anywho, my ex ended up marrying his niece (fresh meat and had just turned 18, met her as well, she was a saint of a person. I honestly feel bad for her because she grew up in a sheltered catholic family and my ex is a druggy/ alcoholic. Fun fun)
Anyway, my exes best friend sent me a go fund me request for a relative because he needs a surgery. I felt conflicted because I’m legitimately donating money to my exes brother-in-law as well. I went ahead and donated anyway because it’s not right to put the blame on their whole family because my ex is an asshole. However, I can’t help but feel sick about it as well. Because I hate being reminded of him. He was the worst person I have ever been with and I honestly wish I would have never met him. Plus, it’s not like I’m even close with his friend. We just weren’t on bad terms and he and his wife were always kind to me. On top of that, I might have an STD from this dushbag. I just feel kinda frustrated and sick to my stomach. I don’t have much money and I gave away part of the money to get tested and possibly treated to his now relatives. But they aren’t bad people, only my ex is. I just feel so mixed up and concerned and It’s hard to process. Am I crazy for feeling this way?