Any therapy success stories - Anxiety and Depre...

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Any therapy success stories

Kevin160 profile image
12 Replies

Hey everyone, so i havent went to therapy in so long, and i feel that it is vital that i go again because i dont feel well, i am feeling depressed all the time and im worried things are going to deteriorate, my sleep and appetite are hugely affected, eventhough im going to the gym and im getting my blood levels regulated like my vitamin D and b12 ,

i just need for people to share their therapy success stories, and with meds as well, i never took meds eventhough i was prescribed them, but i was scared and I guess im also worried they wont work if they were a last resort, i am going through all of these changes like going back to university, and i got a part time job that is a bit demanding and im super proud of myself yet i dont remember suffering this much anxiety in so long, i feel like i cant catch a break, im going on a two day vacation tomorrow and i hope it helps a bit but i have my mind set on booking a therapy session on sunday, and hopefully i dont want months for an appointment.

So if anyone can encourage me and give me a bit of hope, i really need it because im having really dark and negative thoughts and the last thing i want is to spiral and relapse again.

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Kevin160 profile image
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12 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Kevin, I wouldn't be where I'm at without having had therapy as well as medicationI was afraid of meds as well and tried to hold out in taking them for as long as I could.

After a while, it didn't make sense in going back to the doctor and begging for help.

The help is out there and it's important we reach for it when we are stuck in a corner, stuck in a cycle of fear. Things change in our lives from day to day which can allow anxiety to rear it's

ugly head.

Sometimes, it's just a dip in the road but when it starts to affect our sleep and our eating habits, it is important to get the help you need.

You have a lot of changes going on right now but I'm proud of you as well in getting a job

as well as going back to school. Both are highly stressed steps forward.

Enjoy that 2 day break tomorrow. Do some breathing and meditation on YouTube.

I know you have what it takes to handle this. Take one day at a time Kevin. :) xx

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Agora1

It gives me a bit of relief to know that meds can really help, obviously its not new information but i just tried to deny it out of fear, i think after the worst of covid hit, and things started stabalizing even during quarantine, my mental health was really good, i could sleep amazing, i had great appetite, and i was much more social and outgoing, but i feel now that my life is actually becoming more and more serious and filled with responsibilities, im doubting myself, i excelled at that job interview, and i know i have what it takes, and im doing alot more than i thought i could handle, but it wasnt without anxiety and im proud but dissapointed at the same time.

Sunday im going to book that appointment. Thank you also, always coming to the rescue haha.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Kevin160

You've got this Kevin :) xx

Blueruth profile image

I did a lot with someone trained by brenè brown and it was a game changer for me. I learned so many ways to develop shame resilience. That’s her term for dealing with inevitable feelings of shame. I see therapy as an ongoing tool for growth. You probably didn’t forget what you learned. I need the next evolution. I that sense it isn’t a relapse.

You are right to be cautious with meds. I’m on one that I regret and I’m stuck. Idk that there wasn’t another less addicting option. On the other hand I started one that is working really well. Stinks because it is really expensive. So I don’t have great answers except do your homework. Don’t rely on the doctor to give you accurate or complete information. homework should be the pharma insert and sites like ( not anecdotal)

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Blueruth

This is really valuable thank you, the first time i went to therapy i had a knowledgable doctor, but i felt he was really insisting on meds because from the first visit he diagnosed me with Generalized anxiety and panic disorder and started prescribing meds, for the anxiety and insomnia , i never really took them because i was scared they either wont work, or i would depend on them, i want to try cbt but im not really sure how it goes. I feel i have a couple options but the factors are making me question each one.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Kevin160

Your mistake was to go to anyone with doctor in their title for therapy. :) meds are what they are trained to do. Idk about cbd. Problem is there still isn’t a lot of research. They are working on it for sure. My doctor who is pretty progressive says they believe you need a small amount of thc. I take that for sleep but not even once a week. I don’t even take the full dose.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to Blueruth

Cbt is cognitive behavioral therapy, and i have been told it can really help in cases of severe anxiety and depression, but it takes time to program your mind for it. Anyway im definitely going to take your advice, but honestly i just went to a a clinic my sister suggested based on her experience, i am not really knowledgable about therapists,

Thank you for your feedback ;)

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Kevin160

Oh THAT cbt! I thought you meant cbd! Check Sanvello. They focus on cbt and you can either follow the free limited stuff or pay for a therapist.

RemySue profile image

I was in therapy during a devastating divorce 10 years ago, stopped 5 years ago, recently started again. I wouldn’t be here without it and am feeling hopeful it will get through this rough patch. I’m also on an antidepressant

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to RemySue

This really motivates me because i am always worried it wont work or it will not be effective, and although i do not believe there is ever an end to the resources that can help, it definitely feels scary to think that it might not work

designguy profile image

Hello Kevin, medication and therapy have both benefited me greatly. I tried the natural supplement route but wasn't getting better and then got on meds which helped some but not a lot. I did a psychopharmacological test to determine which meds were best suited for me genetically, got on one of those that has really helped. As far as therapy, i've worked with different therapists and modalities and I think the important thing is to try to determine what kind of therapy and treatment you need and review their websites, etc... Don't be afraid to fire one and find another if you don't feel they are the right fit foe you.

With anxiety I found educating myself about it and reading and watching youtube videos from Dr. Claire Weekes and the DARE Anxiety book and program to be very helpful in learning exactly what anxiety really is, why we have it and how to accept the anxious thoughts and feelings to recover.

My primary issue was social anxiety disorder from childhood bullying and growing up in a emotionally repressive family. i determined that I also had c-ptsd from the bullying and emotional neglect and found a therapist who specializes in trauma and uses emdr therapy which was very helpful.

Another thing I did was to get my hormones (testosterone), thyroid and adrenal glands all checked out and optimized, they can cause or contribute to anxiety/depression if not functioning properly.

Hope this helps.

Kevin160 profile image
Kevin160 in reply to designguy

This definitely helped thank you so much, i recently got a dr appointment, because i realized its been a while since i got a medical checkup and blood tests, my vitamin d and b12 levels were very low i finished an injection course for the b12 and taking v-d tablets , i think that might help a bit, but i know that its not that simple, i think to me i will not really find the resources like that where im living because its a secluded town, financially as well because all therapists here are sky high expensive.Honestly i heard about claire weekes perhaps on my first day on this site, an her acceptance method definitely helped. I do feel like my anxiety is more under control, but i seem to lose grasp of it for a while whenever i slightly feel better, i need to re-train myself.

I will definitely do my research and determine whats the best course of action going forward, my main goal is rescheduling a therapy appointment, and seeing how it goes from there, im also exercising and getting my blood levels regulated as i mentioned, im also keeping myself occupied with work, fingers crossed.

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