I was always reluctant and i would avoid it but not anymore , i finally told my sister to book me the appointment at a therapist she knows who is supposedly great, i woke up feeling better calm , so the reluctance came back (oh im feeling better, oh i might be better now ..). that crap. , i keot saying over the year i will go many times here as well i said im going to therapy but i never did , hopefully it works out this time
I just need you guys to push me to get therapy , i started gettin these thoughts that maybe because im feeling calm today and im not seeing an anxiety attack near in sight that this means i dont need therapy which i told myself all last year whenever a panic attack or anxiety would give me a break, and worrying that therapy which i consider a last option wont work and i will spiral out of control, just if you can reassure me and push to get help , i will be going this week, i need your help
Any experiences with therapy and how sessions go will help because i have bad trust issues and feel done with talking about my anxiety , but i need this
I have a problem , i cant control most of my anxiety which is based on irrational and basic situations, i tried to fix it myself , i only went so far , i cant do this alone not after this week , its been exactly a year since my anxiety disorder spiraled out of control with the ocd tendancies and the irrational thoughts, the anger, the sadness and all of the above.