Hey everyone, its been almost a month since i joined due to my severe health anxiety and panic attacks,
I want to give an uodate for anyone who might be interested, today was probably the first day since december where i almost felt no stress, i didnt panic once, i was calm all day, no headache no nausea , i swear i felt like i could do anything, i still had a few palpitations but i find my self getting distracted easiky and i dont think alot about my problems, i guess im ivercoming a but if my fears if stress, and my body isnt that fragile, like i can take 2months of constant stress and anxiety even if i feel like dying it doesnt mean i am ...
now i have gotten advice from very great people on how to reduce my anxiety and stress levels, i also gotten to see great references like apps for meditation such as simple habit, and books and videos on calming panic attacks , my anxiety had gotten better and worse since i joined,
Better due to the fact that i found support and great advices over my first problem which was constant measuring of bp and pulse , eventhough im physically healthy
But worse because i think i realized this might be harder than i thought ir was a bit hard to face that i actually had a problem, i thought this could be a phase but my anxiety has always been there, it fades but never goes, i would panic over any simple thing that might not even relate to me, i would worry about someone i know going to the hospital for the flu, thinking things never go the way they are planned, i would worry if i get a cut or a pimple , a rash or anything, im very superstitious and worry that if i mention something it will come true and i have my own belief regarding certain situations , its weird im aware, but i always thought that way, i never had anyone to talk to because everyone used to shut me out, in some ways i dont blame them, its not easy to explain, and its not easy for siblings or parents to realize or accept their son has a problem, and they were all going through terrible things , we all did so i understand a but now, although now they are ok but they still dont listen which was the reason i joined he, because i never find solutions where all my parents say or friends and family, is ..”take painkillers, eat more fruits” or my favorite ...”dont be worried, just relax” ..like that is easy for someone like me , i try to tell myself im fine byt skmetimes i worry over anything because i like to be prepared in case the worst case happens...i overthink and analyze alot which i hate, i dont know the future so im not sure ...ill try to get better with therapy im planning my appointment next week or the week after, im starting school tomorrow after a break i had , which was a reason of why i might have felt stressed because i never had any distractions, just alone with my thoughts, hoping it wil get better
I guess my question is what to do now for next week, how to stay like this nit go back to the bottom and the dark terribke days i had , i also for my first therapy session, just send a message of give me advices and your stories and exoeriences, and how u felt and how u feek niw, i heard some byt now i want to see more
My main question i guess is what should i expect and do