Hoping to offer Hope: I will be 41 in... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Hoping to offer Hope

amby80 profile image
18 Replies

I will be 41 in 2 weeks. I was diagnosed with anxiety as a teenager, then later depression. Treatments never worked and I found out why after my second child was born and I just seemed to have lost my mind. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (ultra rapid cycling). My mood swings were so severe and happened so fast. They changed within the same day often times and sometimes on top of one another. Over time, I had more diagnoses added, more meds added. Some made me more depressed or more manic, or even worse, completely numb and zombie-like. So now I'm being treated with meds that actually seem to work. A combination of mood stabilizer, a medicine normally used to treat Parkinson's, but is effective as an antidepressant as I can't take regular antidepressants, and also meds for ADHD and anxiety. I hate being on so many things, but I can honestly say that for the most part I feel more like myself that I remember BEFORE the mental health decline. After being a mom for exactly half my life now, and a stay at home mom for almost 10 of those years, I truly forgot who I was. I had taken care of everyone but me. I was always so pleasing. Always doing whatever someone asked...even when I KNEW I couldn't take on anything else. Eventually I felt overwhelmed, defeated and completely taken advantage of. I have been with a man for over 2 decades now that I have a house and children with who has never married me, who is 10 years older than me, and who is a good hard working man, but often times makes me feel like a child. Like I have to ask to go do things, or for money, or he gets aggravated if the house isn't totally clean or I didn't feel like cooking, etc. I was always so outgoing and loved adventures and being outdoors, going places, dancing, meeting people. I was always silly and just loved to have fun. But then I became bitter, and resentful and angry. I felt like he and my kids had held me back from being the person I wanted to be. I blamed them for my position in life as a stay at home mom, instead of a woman with a career and her own money who could be in a serious relationship with kids but still have fun with friends and take my kids on adventures. I became a shell of a woman, but was still trying to pour from and empty cup...which let me tell you, it's NOT possible and it will drive you crazy trying to make it so. This has all taken a toll on my physically over the years and manifested into GI problems, migraines, aches and pains, you name it. So I was always looking up things trying to diagnose myself, which drive me further into madness. I have had so much time to wallow in depression, or try to diagnose myself, or drive other people crazy with my problems, and I never even knew what triggered my mood changes, or that I had actually become my own problem and made myself sick.

But, recently, the time at home has also been a time for me to learn more about myself and what works and doesn't work. There are times where I am still an absolute mess! I yell and pick fights and cry. But I have learned to allow myself the time to cry and be angry or sad or whatever, I am able to think about why I feel this way, how did the mood shift start, what will take my mind off of it, who should I apologize to, etc. I'm learning how to live intentionally. I've stopped asking for permission to do things I want, because after all, I'm a grown woman and my kids are big enough to help clean up around the house and fix themselves something to eat, entertain themselves, etc. I can have fun and be silly, go out dancing, drive around and blast music and dance and sing in my car like I don't care that there's a person at the red light next to me who thinks I'm nuts. I went to a glow in the dark foam part last night and had the best time... unapologetically! I get out and do more things with the kids. I find creative ways to do things with them that are free or cheap, but fun. I have found things that distract me from my racing thoughts. I've learned that I'm very creative and have been able to do crafts and home projects that I never even knew I was capable of. I'm so curious and always want to learn and try new things.

I've also had very intimate and frank conversations with my... partner if you will... about EXACTLY what I'm feeling, even if it's embarrassing and I don't know how he will take it. I've also discussed with him in great detail about the things that he has done that have contributed to the depression and anxiety and issues with my self esteem. For so many years he just didn't know what to do or say or how to help or support me, but he was also oblivious to why I have had a lot of the negative feelings and anger towards him. So now he is often a lifesaver. He calms me down, talks me off the ledge so to speak. He knows when to offer comfort and when to just leave me alone.

I've learned to stand up and speak up for myself and stop apologizing for every little thing. I was always so bad at that because I always tried to be so pleasing to EVERYONE. So now, if I feel too bad to do the dishes or sweep or whatever, someone else can do it or it will stay like that until I can manage. Or if I don't want to cook, they can make sandwiches or get take out. I'm learning to let the past hurts and regrets go (which is probably the hardest) because I've spent too much time living in the past which has been counterproductive in working on my future. I finally finished my degree and am looking for work again so that I can have a career and do something meaningful with my life other than being a mom and caregiver (which is rewarding, but I don't want that to define me). I'm learning to say no when I'm asked to do something that I KNOW I can't handle taking on. Sorry, can't do it...I need that cup to stay at least half full.

Y'all, I may seem like I have all the answers and I'm doing so well...this post is not intended to be braggy or preachy. It has taken me the last 2 decades to find myself. And I'm still learning and still, at 41, trying to become the person I want to be when I grow up. It takes work, self reflection, forgiveness, and INTENTION! Every...single...day! And don't beat yourself up when you have bad days. They are going to happen. We are all going to have those days where we just nut up and feel crazy or sad, and cry so bad that we have tears and snot and mascara all over our face. It's ok. Think about what started it, what you can do to help you through it or to avoid it. Then the next day wake up, and start your day, live it intentionally, and I promise the good days will come.

Lots of warm hugs to all!

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amby80 profile image
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18 Replies
Marshall64 profile image

Not to take away from your main point, but do you kids let you dance, sing, and act crazy in public? If I did something like that my daughter would be in absolute horror. I sometimes threaten that if she is out of hand.

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to Marshall64

Hahaha! Well honestly, it isn't something that I do just anywhere. I definitely bounce around and sing to my music blasting in the car and I don't really care who sees. If I go to a place or event that has music, darn right I will dance, and I definitely will dance around the house. Now, you won't catch me whippin and nae nae-ing but I can actually dance pretty well, and they cheered me on when I sang Karaoke. So, I don't think that they are completely embarrassed of me...yet. My oldest son, he's 20, and he recently told me that he now realizes how funny and outgoing I am, plus I like a lot of the music he listens to, and he likes some of the music I grew up listening to and I catch him listening in his room from time to time. I try not to let it bother me if they chuckle when I dance or act silly. My 12 year old son is very much like me as far as sense of humor, so he and I laugh a lot. And believe it or not he and I are total nerds and sci-fi and comic geeks. I listen to all sorts of music and I actually have him to where he can hear a song and know exactly who it is, all the way from Frank Sinatra to Tupac and everything in between. My 8 year old is autistic. He is my snuggle bug and as long as I am close to him, he doesn't really care what I'm doing. LOL! Now, my sister and I never care if people see us singing and dancing when we go out. I'm outgoing, but she is outgoing on another level, like more than I am. But we have a lot of fun together and just act like kids and like we don't care who sees. More than likely I won't see most of the people I come in contact with again anyway. What have I got to lose, right? lol

Marshall64 profile image
Marshall64 in reply to amby80

I'm sure you pull it off better than me. What I do isn't pretty....

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to Marshall64

Lol! Well, as I tell my kids, if you act like you don't care...no one else will. lol

alfreddy7 profile image

Hi amby80

This is nothing to brag. You actually give hope to other people including me.

One day I hope I find myself like you did.

I hope you continue to be content the way you are now, With or without meds. And thank you for a good read 😀

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to alfreddy7

Thank you so much! I have just been feeling really good about changes that have happened and possibilities. It's such a big deal because I was SOOOO lost. I just want to share the love.

hypercat54 profile image

Wow I am very impressed and so glad you stopped being a martyr to everyone else. It just shows that stopping being a people pleaser is very good for your health. You are doing great so keep dancing and singing as much as you want.

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to hypercat54

Lol! Thank you. I love music so dancing just goes along with it. I should also mention that I deleted all of my social media accounts...it has done wonders for me. I know that's drastic for some, but in my case I just needed to be free from all of it. It added more clutter to my mind and wasn't adding anything valuable to my life. I don't talk to a lot of my friends anymore...but that is proof that I didn't really need them in my life either. I feel like I'm getting too old to not have control over my own life and find happiness

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to amby80

I'm with you sister! 😁😁

Yes relaxing and not being overcome by negativity letting time pass for better Days is good advice. 😉

Roxylox profile image

Great stuff there, amby. I also have Bipolar. I'm narried with adult children. They're all great eldest working now and comes home some weekends. They certainly don't help enough around the house and hold me responsible if it's not tidy enough

I've finally learnt not to take much notice of that, and like you if l don't feel like cooking l will say so and they have to have something else. Bonus of their being adults now is they will sometimes cook and that's great.

It took me years of trying to please and having the occasional rant to get to this point, I'm now 55. Must say in lots of ways Hubby and kids are fantastic. Mother's and Father's day always marked . Christmas a great family occasion holidays good, but there are still and will always be times when the work in the home becomes overwhelming.

Like you l have just discovered interests l didn't know I had, writing being the one in my case.

I admire your courage. Diagnosis wise you have more to deal with than me l am only on a stabiliser.

Loved your post. Now l must get up with the intention that this will be a great day 😀

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to Roxylox

I'm sorry I missed your comment. This is wonderful! I love having little ones, but I'm sure having adult children makes life a bit easier. Holidays are usually really great here as well... usually because I drive myself nuts trying to make it so. Lol! But mental illness or not, a mother's job is never done, and rarely acknowledged. Just know that you're doing great, we all are...even when we aren't at our greatest. Being present is sometimes just as good, if not better, than trying to be all things to all people. ❤️

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to amby80

Thank you so much for your timely reply. You have no idea how you brightened up my morning.Yesterday I wrote somewhat whiny stuff about daily life and work.

Your post reminded me of the better side of things. I had forgotten much of both our writings from a month ago.

I read your latest post about living in the past and Re-living stuff. I know I do too much of that. Your post had a lot of common sense wisdom in it. Thanks again.

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to Roxylox

I'm glad you read it. It all seems like common sense, yet it can be so difficult to actually do. Hope you are well

Roxylox profile image

I love dancing and singing too, but my kids cringe even if I do some tiny moves in the kitchen! They would like lots of the music I like too though

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to Roxylox

Lol! I love it! Kids are so funny about their parents having fun sometimes. I remember when I was 16, my mom was 36, I thought she was soooo old. And she loved a song I loved and would dance around and sing it. She is a good dancer, (won competitions and was offered a job to teach at one or Arthur Murray's dance schools), but I was SOOO embarrassed when my friends were around. They thought she was so cool.And bipolar alone is enough to deal with, no matter which type. But I have ADHD and anxiety and then PTSD after a traumatic car accident. But even with that, I still have nightmares and all and I get anxious in traffic, bit I keep trying to remember that as bad as it was, I came out without a scratch on me. So I recognize the miracle in that, and maybe I am here for a reason...if for none other than embarrassing my kids! Lol

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to amby80

Love your attitude ,that music can really get us going, and movin'

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to Roxylox

Yes indeed!

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