i’m not sure if i belong here, but i thought maybe this would be a start to some type of help or guidance.
for the past few months, i’ll go thru occasional days or weeks of feeling not good enough, my self esteem is very low, and a lot of the time i’m super sad about so many things. i find myself constantly not feeling good enough in any way; not smart enough, pretty enough, social enough, interesting enough. i’m sensitive and i cry at everything, but i cry the most at night sometimes without a reason at all. about a year ago i moved, started college at a really small community college with no one, i haven’t really made any friends (especially bc of covid), and it’s easy for me to feel lonely at times. i think not having friends here has made everything a lot harder. but at the same time, i’m not feeling a lot of the “common symptoms” of depression so then i think that i’m just sad like everyone else gets. and there’s also a lot of days where i feel okay, or maybe those are just days of me pushing those bad feelings away.
i also started birth control around the time i moved here, and i’ve tried two different pills so far because i thought they were causing these feelings. but, it’s still happening despite the change in the pill. right now i think i’m blaming all of my emotions on the hormones messing with me, but i’m scared that’s me finding a way to avoid real problems.
basically i’m confused as this is all very new to me. i’ve never felt these periods of intense sadness in my life before. i don’t know if this is depression, if it’s a phase, if it’s my birth control, or if i’m just isolated from covid or stressed tf out from college. is it possible to feel this way and not actually be depressed, like will this just go away somehow when things get better? it’s just too much to handle. i don’t want to talk to anyone in my life about it yet, so i don’t know where to go and i don’t know how to handle it. i feel stuck. part of me feels like the stem of all of my problems is my extreme lack of self esteem, but how do i know if that’s not just stemming from something like depression? i just want to feel happy with life and myself and my relationships but feeling this way is really holding me back.