Being of color as they say “we don’t deal with depression” you suppose to shake it and let it go.... I wish life was that easy it’s crazy being “BLACK” with depression or even anxiety “WE” don’t suppose to live in such a world but I’m here to say “DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY “ isn’t a race or gender my mom or dad doesn’t have neither so how did I end up with this life I’m living I wish I was normal but I know GOD made me this way for a reason I have a purpose behind my life I’m not sure what that purpose is just yet but I’m working on finding it I’m working on finding my voice I have a daughter she’s 8 and very smart she see a lot of things that’s going on in the house with me I try to hide it but how can I when she’s always around I wanna teach her how to deal or handle me when I’m done she’s doing a good job at helping me stay positive I just pray she doesn’t go through any of this because it’s hard and she’s a sweetheart and I don’t wanna see my baby sad or feeling like she’s not worth anything because she’s worth the world I just wish I can give my self that speech well that’s all for now until we talk again goodnight everyone have a safe and bless night I’m still open to chat I’m just getting somethings in order in the house
African American(BLACK) : Being of... - Anxiety and Depre...
African American(BLACK)

I am so sorry that your experience has been others refusing to acknowledge your depression or give you the opportunity to heal yourself. You deserve that opportunity just as much as anyone else. It is amazing that you want better for your daughter. The world can be tough but just show her love and that she is valued. And taking care of yourself is the best lesson you can teach her. Then when she faces struggles she will know it is okay to take care of herself.
Thanks Bay123 I let her know it’s okay to feel things and if others can’t accept her feelings she need to stay away from them I teach her so she wouldn’t be clueless about me or what I’m dealing with she’s learning a lot when I’m dealing with depression she finally learned how to work the air fryer lol it might be something small to the world but it’s big to me I guess because she’s my baby but I’m happy to see her learning and wanting to learn more about me
Hi Jack. I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. I do understand what you mean about mental health in black homes. It’s not looked at with seriousness as needed some times. It’s not talked about and needs to be. I lost a cousin of mine a few years ago who was killed by her son with untreated/un-talked about mental issues. You can’t just shake it and let it go like that. Depression/anxiety is real and it’s hard. I’m sure you’re the Best Mom Ever and your daughter sees and knows that. Just keep encouraging and talking with her early on because yes, children tend to know more than we think. When you’re feeling low we’re here for you. We can encourage you. You’re not alone. You have an army here with you!!

Thanks TuscanSky83 I’m trying my best to be a good mom to her and I know I’m doing a great job so far and whenever I feel low I’ll always come here because I know I have a lot of help and support being in this group
Absolutely. Don’t struggle alone. We’ve all been there, are there or may be there soon. So we have to lean on each other.
P.S. I edited my post to “Best Mom Ever”. Lol. Sorry about that.

Lol it’s fine I had to check my name on here “jack” yes a man would pop up in my head my name is Jackie but people around call me jack but thanks I appreciate you and this group for years I was ashamed and embarrassed for having depression and anxiety but now I’m learning it’s a part of my life and either I’m gonna deal with it or kill myself trying to ignore it
Thanks! And you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Others may not understand what you’re going through but that doesn’t make it non existent. So don’t hide it or shake it off for anyone. Stand up to it. Face it. You can do this. No more hiding. We’ve got your back girl!!

Thanks a million times my days are becoming a little bit brighter and easier thanks to you and everyone from this group
Good morning Jackie. I have heard that as well that black people or families have a difficult time talking about or accepting mental illness. What I think about is maybe because your race has gone through so much and still continues to today that it would make you look weak when that is obviously not the case. There is a stigma with mental health that people are currently trying to change. It is a medical condition just like diabetes, hypertension, or asthma.
I grew up in a home where my mother was depressed, anxious, and drank alcohol in excess. I can definitely say by eight yrs Old I knew what was going on. Usually mental illness does run in families so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was in your family and you just didn’t know cause it wasn’t talked about for the reason listed above.
I think the most important thing you can do is just continue to work on yourself everyday and show your daughter you are strong, working on yourself, and it’s ok to be sad/angry/ anxious/ happy etc. Don’t give up! Take every day like it’s a new start even if you messed up the day before. She’ll see the effort you are making.