For the past few days my condition has worsened.. it is really painful to see that my parents don't even realize that something is wrong with me.. my father has stopped talking to me cz he thinks that i didn't get good marks bcz i didn't study properly. bt actually the truth is the teachr didn't check my writing properly.. i have tried to make him understand bt he is not ready to accept it. my mom is just taunting me on different stuffs everyday. i m tired of making them understand. i m just crying continuously bt they still dont know anyting. Yesterday i hurt myself by cutting my wrist. i didn't do it properly bt they didn't notice that either. they have kept me apart from my bf who is my only lifeline.. I m sick of all these.
Tired of fighting : For the past few... - Anxiety and Depre...
Tired of fighting
heyy so sorry you are in so much pain. feeling invisible to your own parents can be so awful..are you able to chat with your bf? one thing though, our parents might never understand us for so many reasons. just know you are not alone! i’m here to support
no, i cant chat with him either.. sometimes i secretly give a message to him bt other than that i can't do anything... Still thanks for your support
First and foremost, you are obviously hurting pretty dang bad to get to that point. I can completely understand that, I too, used to cut. And I'm sorry you are hurting the way you are. Secondly cutting will end you up somewhere you might not want to be, and has many risks of its own. I'm not going to tell you what to do or not do. I just know hard hard it is to resist that urge. I try to give the advice of drawing on your body where you want to cut with a RED marker. It has proven to help some people. All that aside, I have kids of my own, and generally give them the benefit of the doubt because one, they're my kid, and two, teachers aren't perfect. So I get why you're upset that your parents aren't hearing you out. This situation just sucks. I don't know how else to word it at the moment, but I hope you can find a healthier way to get your pain out
Thanks for your advice and i hope so too...
Hello darkblue97. I am very sorry to hear that you are in so much of pain. Please don't give up. It is really sad that your parents do not understand you or let you communicate with your boyfriend. I am also sorry to hear that your teacher is being unfair to you. Is there any way to reason with the teacher, as your father refuses to listen to you ?
I know how much it hurts when our own parents, the people who are theoretically supposed to love us unconditionally, turn a blind eye to our pain. It makes our suffering a million times worse. I really don't know how to make your parents understand. I remember being a 17 year old girl and the only thing that got me through, was constantly reminding myself that the situation is temporary. Eventually I gave up on trying to make my parents see my pain and I focused on becoming independent. I do not know if that is an option for you. Would you be able to become independent upon completing your education, perhaps obtaining a professional qualification ?
Just keep going, take it one moment at a time. Your life is worth living and your life is ahead of you, think of the day when you will be living life on your own terms. If you need someone to talk to, I am here. Above all, please stay safe. Keep breathing.
no there is no way i can reason with my teacher. I want to be independent bt day by day i m just losing all hopes.. Still thanks a lot for supporting me.. it really means a lot

I can imagine how hard it is.. trying to hold onto shreds of hope and the harder we try, the more elusive hope seems.. I used to read inspirational poems and quotes to get through some days. It helps if there are little things in your day in which you could find enjoyment. Whether you’re alone or with your friends, a gentle breeze, the sun shining, enjoying a favourite dessert, listening to a song, reading a book, having a cup of hot chocolate, doing a bit of physical exercice.. Allow yourself to enjoy these moments fully, forget everything else and just savour these experiences.. Little by little hope will return, and with each passing day, you’re closer to being a strong independent person !
okay i will try..
Hi- I’m so sorry you are going through a rough time. It’s good that you reached out to us. Please don’t harm yourself.
You are facing a difficult time right now but I hope you will not give up. Take one day at a time. Talk to us, even just to vent, it can ease your pain.
Please keep us posted, we are here for each other. May you be surrounded with God’s peace and things will go well in your family and school. Take care of yourself.
This morning there was a huge fight in our house. i have done a lot of things for my parents bt they always saw the negative sides.. today i tried to tell them what was wrong and after sometime my father just told me that he will leave us.. and then my mom said that he can easily leave us cz he has all the power.. i supported my mom cz she was hurting pretty badly bt i wished they would see me as well..

I'm so sorry to hear this. I remember my parents when they were still together, (both of them already passed away.)
Most of the time they were fighting, I always side to my mother because she's crying. I understand how hard it is when our parents are not getting along well.
I pray for your family that things will go well and you as well. Please stay strong. Keep sharing. God bless.
i don't know for how long i can stay strong.. i just want to give up. i m tired of all these. I m in that stage where i don't even want to talk to anyone.. i can't even share my feelings properly. Rt now i m feeling restlessness which is very hard to endure.. i dont want this pain anymore.

If you need someone to talk to, you can send me messages in my inbox. I'm sorry friend for all you're going through. This too shall pass by the grace of God.
Seek help. Don't go through this alone. I'm here praying for you. You can message me anytime. God bless you.
give up fighting by all means acceptance is the key along with good support.
I'm not sure what I can say to help you. I do care, but I'm going through a lot of heavy stuff myself. I really think you should try to talk to a school counselor and get some kind of outside support.