Every time I feel good and all with someone, which is not easy for me, there always comes the time where I'm not good enough anymore. I am the go-to person until there is someone better. I work perfectly with my father, we get along well when we build something, but then big sis is there and suddenly my opinion is not important anymore. I have friends that talk to me every day, someone new arrives and they are suddenly so much more important.
My big sis calls me her soul peace, but if she has a boyfriend I won't see her for month.
I was good with my boss at work, very good. I knew everything about his life and he about mine. We talked about everything. Now he has a new pall at his station and he won't eveb tell me he is on holiday next week.
It is always the same. I don't even want to be forever #1, I can share just not suddenly replaced.
And believe me, because it happens so often, I always try to figure out if I am the one at fault, if I do something wrong every damn time. But since thise people always come back to me if the replacement isn't there, I don't necessarily think so.
Maybe it's just because no matter how social and open I feel sometimes, there are always people that are much more easy going. I just can't compare.
When I was younger I always wished for a friendship like Starsky&Hutchs. Not matter what, they always belonged together. Even if they were in a good relationship or anything. I envied that. Of course I know that it's a show. But still