I feel so low and upset, restless and so anxious and it’s hard right now to ask for help. And what would I ask that anyone could do? Maybe a massage would be good but it won’t take away the suicidal feeling. And who will even do that for me? I am the help,.. the help to my parents, to my kids, even to my husband, I really need help but no one and nothing will I’m afraid change until this illness lifts these terrible feelings away from me. But there are still things I know I am lucky enough to feel grateful for:
That not every day will be so hard
I recall that things are not as bad as my illness makes it seem
My dog Coco and her silliness
My kids and recent pictures I took of them that turned out nice
Still have some hope left that my new medication will work well for me
How are you doing today? and
What are you grateful for?