I'd talk to anyone if they'd let me - Anxiety and Depre...

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I'd talk to anyone if they'd let me

Bobbicm profile image
26 Replies

I need help. I'm grasping so hard for anything. I'm 28 and I suffer from C-PTSD and recently I've been told I have something along AFRID eating disorder that is from the trauma. I've been told I have OCD but I feel like I'm so broken they'd say I have anything.

I suffer from endrometriosis and have a surgery I'm a month. I live 3000 miles from any family and that family is estranged. I feel like I can't ask for help ever and have to be independent but that the one time I ask for help and they say no it hits so much harder.

I feel anxious and depressed. I'm crying as I write this because I feel like no one will even talk to me. I can't find a therapist who will help without just shoving me away with pills.

I just want to be happy.

I really just want help. Please.

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Bobbicm profile image
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26 Replies
newmercies profile image

Im so sorry that you are struggling. I struggle with anxiety and depression too

Bobbicm profile image
Bobbicm in reply to newmercies

Thank you. the worse part is I really feel alone and if I think about it I am. I know others with worse situations get better I just wish I knew how they did it and that I could too.

newmercies profile image
newmercies in reply to Bobbicm

I recommend you continue looking for a therapist that you feel comfortable talking with.

Don’t lose hope. Recovery is possible.

Bobbicm profile image
Bobbicm in reply to newmercies

I spoke to two today over the phone and they didn't even know what the condition was. I live in such a rural area I'd have to travel hours to find someone. It does make me lose hope when I've been searching for since I was 18 and legally able to for help.

newmercies profile image
newmercies in reply to Bobbicm

Im sorry. That sounds hard.

Bobbicm profile image
Bobbicm in reply to newmercies

How does someone keep hope after that lol. I'm on a random site I found because I was searching for anything.

amberbily profile image
amberbily in reply to Bobbicm

There are therapists that have virtual sessions. It began with COVID, even though they are now offering in office visits, they still offer virtual sessions. Maybe you can look outside of your area and have virtual sessions.

I’ve been suffering with anxiety & depression for almost 25 years. Many ups and downs. Just after Christmas last year I took several steps back. And of course with everything that has gone on this year I haven’t been able to get back on track. I have my psychiatrist, I’ve been through several therapist and still am not sure if I found a fit, I pray, and count my blessings. Hang in there. Deep breaths, in with the good and out with the bad; guided meditation, journaling, 5-10 breaks with a cup of camomile tea. Seems to bring me some comfort

Smoothies or soup or salad any good or piece of cheese or hot milk or cold milk?

Bobbicm profile image
Bobbicm in reply to

I guess I was too upset when I first posted to write more. I have an eating disorder called AFIRD and I've never been able to find help and it's a HUGE hinderance on my life and probably one of the things that makes me feel the worse about myself. I can't find help no matter how hard I look for treatment in my area and I keep getting bounced from clinic to clinic and pill to pill.

in reply to Bobbicm

Do you feel sick or worried if you eat? What happens and what have you tried?

You must get used to the food smell touch at first then taste

Kainan profile image

I’m sorry you’re struggling to find support. I hope that in the meantime you can find some support by being on here. You’re not alone in your struggles

Shnookie profile image

I’m so sorry 😐 that U R going the this.

Have U been to a gastroenterologist

for your Afird. I know that U mention that U R living in a rural area but is there a near by Clinic that can help U. Sometimes meds R good for anxiety and depression. I

Have been on them for many years and they R helpful to me. R U on the proper diet 4 your Afird? I have friends who have stomach issues and I know they can be very

Uncomfortable and debilitating. Everyone in the group is here 4 U.

Hugs from shnookie

Artyhype profile image

Oh dear I hope you can find a good therapist but there's also self hypnosis on YouTube or meditation, and meds have always helped me. If you find anything that works for you go with that, Xanax works great for occasional use as needed if you don't want to be on daily meds. There's nothing wrong with asking for help, it's the first step to getting better!

dmt1121 profile image

I have no idea how you are coping with all you have to deal with. Stepping back to take stock of all you are dealing with, in a way that acknowledges your incredible strength is important because it shows you that you are not as fragile as you may feel.

When overwhelmed, I find that I must see the big picture to decide how to gain control of my life. You have both physical and psychological issues you are having to contend with at the same time. The surgery sounds scary but hopefully it will help alleviate your pain.

The psychological issues are more all consuming, in that they inflame all the other issues. They inflame each other by creating confusion. I am very sorry for all the pain you are dealing with right now.

You certainly need a therapist to help you through your depression. This is not a psychiatrist who prescribes medications. It's just some one to talk to and work things out. Psychology Today's "Find-a-Therapist": psychologytoday.com/us/ther... was helpful for me. It's a starting point and gives you bios to read to see who might be appropriate for you.

You can then see if a psychiatrist can be recommended by your primary care doctor or through the therapist, based on your needs and if you are comfortable with that idea. For me, I first needed the therapy to help me sort out what I was dealing with. Therapy can give you tools to use when things get stressful, you are feeling depressed or anxious. Anti-anxiety meds are helpful to me but I had to try different ones to find one that reduced my anxiety without making me a zombie.

You may also be able to join a support group run by a counselor to meet others and hear their stories. There is always a path forward and people who care but you have to reach out for help. That's what you've done here and now you can do it in person, even though it hasn't worked before. It will work out at some point with persistence.

You can do this by taking one step at a time, not trying to tackle everything at once. Unfortunately, it's a process that takes time. If you find the right psychiatrist and the right meds, they may give you the freedom from the anxiety to reinforce the therapy. That's up to you. I was anti-medication too but I do find medications helpful, once fine-tuned with your doctor.

People here definitely care about what happens to you. Keep reaching out and a hand will be there. Let us know how you are doing.

texasbonnet profile image

I am sorry your diagnosis are so troublesome for you at this time. I was searching for the meaning of C in the C-PTSD when I ran across a website that looks as if it might have some help. It is mind.org.uk. Even if you are not in the UK, me neither, I think it would worth investigating. I know I am.

Moosue profile image
Moosue in reply to texasbonnet

Mind UK is good try it

sophie4 profile image

Oh, Bobbicm,

I'm so very sorry you are suffering so...please do try to remember that you're NOT alone. You are part of this huge family of loving, caring people who will reach out to you and try to offer you some help.

Please know that you are in my thoughts. I'll try to talk with you as much as I can.

Sending you warm hugs!

HD1960 profile image


I can tell you that you are not alone. I have severe anxiety and cant get it under control ...but the doctors give me stuff to take but I get more anxious thinking about it. I used to take zanax but I stopped 1 year ago and still trying to get somewhat normal.

One thing that did help was getting a therapist. She taught me to journal, be thankful and grateful and to write it down everyday. Be friendly to people and write it down. I am anxious now and would like to be calm.

So breath deep and hold and let out slowly ...and do that multiple times it may help a little. Go out side and walk and look at nature...or get a pet if you can. I have 2 little dogs and they are my life and i love them both.

And they also love me.

Be at peace.

Linden10 profile image

My heart goes out to you, and I’m here to talk anytime. I’m so sorry you have to have surgery without the support of your family nearby. Two years ago, I also had surgery for endo, as well as an ovary removal due to a tumor. If it's any comfort, the recovery time was only a few days and I rarely used the meds they gave me for pain.

Bobbicm profile image
Bobbicm in reply to Linden10

Thank you that helps I wasn't really raised with females so I know only what I've found in research

Wantstobewell profile image

Your not alone. I m a assault victim who awoke on life support with amnesia. I recently had a remembering that felt like psychosis.ive been incredibly sick since. Drs don’t know what to do pills helped a little bit but I’m still sick and not getting any better it’s been 2 yrs since remembering. Please accept my sincere prayer for a restoration of a pleasant feeling. Please if you don’t mind do the same for me. I quit wanting to experience any more life. I’m fine sitting in a quiet room with myself😢

Moosue profile image

You will get better it doesn't feel like it but you do. Sending you love and hugs.

newmercies profile image

Hi there, how are you doing?

Junella profile image

I am sorry you feel so alone. One blessing is your age. Elderly people living alone, many ignored by children if they have them, are in much worse circumstances. Do you know someone like that you could call and talk to? They are crying for friendship too.

Counselors or psychologists don't use medications but use cognitive or behavior therapy. Only psychiatrists use drugs. Avoid them if you can. You can get help through healthy eating (mostly vegetables and fruit and oatmeal) and daily exercise--start with 30 mins of walking. We are whole persons and it takes caring for the whole body. You have no doubt heard of mindfulness and breathing. Look it up on-line.

Do you have a faith or church? You are never alone if you can pray. Spiritual help is needed; even writing out prayers or journaling. You can get distracted from your feelings by following a daily routine of food, exercise, sleep, reading and watching only positive books and TV. And, of course, calling people. I learned they usually don't call---you have to reach out. Find some Zoom groups. Get out in the sunshine for at least 20 mins.

You might call some family member to reconcile or just in greeting. They can't all be difficult! I will bet someone there is wishing you would call and is concerned for you.

AliSkywalker profile image

You are not alone. I promise.

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