why can’t I let things go? I hang on to things HARD. It could happen years ago and I’ll let it affect me now. I just can’t let it go. Is anyone else like this?
I express myself and how hurt I am by someone’s actions and I don’t know what kind of response I expect because I’m bound to bring it up again. I know this is wrong. I know I shouldn’t. But I do. What’s wrong with me? How do I fix this? 😞
It’s like I can’t help myself, even when I know better.
There’s one person (an ex) in particular I keep reminding of how much he hurt me. He did it on two occasions. And I know he’s pissed and with good reason because I should know better. I just feel like there’s something wrong with me. I feel so worthless and like I’m so screwed up.
Am I a lost cause?