I keep thinking that i overcome my obsessive thoughts and fears, but they keep coming back , i just cant believe this is happening to me , i feel like im going crazy , and i keep getting these scary thoughts like what if i lose control over myself, hurt myself, which i dont want to do, but i just have so many scary irrational thoughts and when i cant analyze them and Turn them down 100% i can't relax, what if and what if ..even if the thoughts are irrational, the derealization and anxiety are really bad especially when i dont sleep well, which sometimes happens, quarantine and isolation is making me feel so alone since my family dont really understand, no one around me personally does but atleast i could have distractions, now i feel so scared all the time
Am i going crazy: I keep thinking that... - Anxiety and Depre...
Am i going crazy

I relate to you very much ans still have no answers. You may feel crazy, but you're not. A work in progress is what I like to call myself. It is not as negative sounding and it gives me hope that I can keep going. I hope you find help and peace of mind here. You are not alone.

Yes deep down i know im not going crazy, i always calm down eventuakky, but since as u said we dont have answers, its hard to feel better because i akways want answers to calm down and convince and reassure myself , i just want to get better , is that too much to ask
That is a completely normal reaction. I want answers, I hate the unknown and feeling I will never get better and when I do, something brings me back down. Maybe I'm supposed to be unhappy, what if that's what it will always be. But you have to stay strong, i know its hard i know its tiring. I hope that even when you feel "crazy" you know that moment is temporary and you will find relief.
I have been down the road of hurting myself and it felt great, but hurt more in the long run. It became an addiction. I dont recommend that.
Talk on here, open up, we all one way or another understand and can relate.
No Kevin, it's not too much to ask because it's been overwhelming for you.
Like all of us, u simply want answers so u can feel better and that's normal.
I'm here to reassure you. Life can be wonderful when we're feeling positive.
Anxiety & fear robs us from the joy GOD wants to give us.
Let us accept the daily blessings rather than take them for granted.
Youth is on your side, Kevin. Please understand what that means. It's simple. Youthful strength & vigor can be yours to do many interesting & fun things. Yes, build on that thought with faith.
Get exited about the possibilities & sooner than u may think you'll be happy.
That's my prayer.
Love u, Kev