I was supposed to get therapy but i started feeling better and my parents who were never very supportive said i dont need it, and because i talked alot im so tired of explaining how many times i needed therapy
Just had an almost panic attack, i have been having these weird scary thoughts that just pop up , both spiritually, religiously, thoughts about dying, the afterlife, things like that ...its scary that i will have to face death at some point , and not knowing when , just the anticipation of life, what could happen ..im just scared
I just FEAR going insane , i just started thinking of it and im starting to have a panic attack ...im deathly worried about starting to go insane , my memory today seems foggy and i seem to panic alot
I worry thta i will start to lose my memory , just do things without thinking and losing my quality of life or dying ...i feel tired and scared ..im worried i will act like crazy people we see at tv shows and movies ..my anxiety just switches from one thing to another its so terrible , i think im having a panic attack thats why i feel foggy and maybe sleepy , but i just feel unconcentrated and this makes me feel more scared , i mean i can usually calm myself and explain that this will never happen but now iñwhenever i try tomexplain and convince myself i will be ok i feel like my herat sinks and im going to throw up ...im shaking suddenly , i felt so calm these past few days
I didnt panic this hard in so long