ok, so im gonna start from the beginning. i started taking prozac for just anxiety. it threw me into a very dark spot, went into depression, overall just did not feel good. got off of that after 2 weeks. about 22 days later i started taking pristiq which caused a lot of side effects, including rare ones like hearing things, brain zaps, etc. overall the meds just threw me way off. im currently going through withdraw, its been 5 weeks and i feel like im going insane. does anyone have any advice on how to get through this? its very scary, especially with the reoccuring thoughts of "why bother living if im just going to die?" help
Antidepressant withdrawing: ok, so im... - Anxiety and Depre...
Antidepressant withdrawing

Well done for doing 5 weeks already maybe speak to your doctor about something temporary to help you tail off without your mood getting too low
I just dont want to take anymore chemicals after what has happened. I want to try more naturall things thank you, its been a rough 5 weeks.
Drink plenty of water especially first thing on a morning eat a good diet carbs are good for the brain but also protein free range eggs are good for breakfast have regular snacks
You are doing the right thing SSRI drugs are increasing serotonin in the brain at the expense of the dopamine system and serotonin levels are not even measured before a script for SSRI is handed out , young people are being put on these drugs and are not told about how difficult it is to withdraw or how they can change the brain
I must add though that "natural " compounds can do an awful lot of harm too so be very careful if you do go for natural compounds start at a very low dose and wait a week before you try some more
Persevere and I'm sure all these symptoms will eventually go
If you want to lose weight walk 2-3 miles a day you lose more weight walking than running make sure you have enough iron
Now im having weird stabbing pains on the top right side of my head. I looked up what it could be and all i got was headaches, eye pain, migraines, etc. Its none of that, it very random and lasts literally a second. Ive also been feeling weird....like, mentally weird....i dont even know how to describe it....im scared...
Don't be scared like me you are very sensitive to medication it will take time just keep to your plan
There was a very good programme on channel 4 about young people on antidepressants it was by Despatches its online you can still see it its called Young people on drugs or something like that check it out there are lots of young people suffering from side effects and withdrawal like you
Same issues and affects going on right now with me, very scary. Was cold Turkey off trintellix and made it to day 8 couldn't take the brain/head zaps anymore. Therefore taking teeny tiny piece every other day for last 8 days. It's a little better but of course still. I see your post is from 4 months ago. How are you now and how long withdrawal affects? Your post saying 5 weeks scares me SO much!