Its been weeks, feeling on and off , somedays feelings extremely calm but some days very anxious
Obessive over a trigger i got a few weeks back , overthinking hurting myself eventhough i dont feel depressed , just that my anxiety over the post involved self harm urges and i have been panicking for ever that my anxiety makes me shmpathize with this
I have GAD, i wasnt diagnosed with ocd but i have soke tendancies like body compulsions with my fingers etc.. some obsessive thougts and rituals but never ever thoughts about self harm and im not depressed , but as i said i got triggered about that post and since then i have been feeling unsafe ,
I know deep down i would never hurt myself but the fact that i can control my destiny scared me and i keep worrying that i will get psychotic and hurt myself , lose control , these irrational thoughts are very annoying
I dont want to worry anyone because i am not suicidal , i value life is a blessing and i want to experience so much , im not hopeless , i started therapy and i dont get very anxious anymore
And i started going days without any of these thoughts but when im very anxious i keep overthinking , and since i found out about self harm conpulsions im beyond terrified i will develop it , or already do , i dont know
Haha also a friend of mine went to a fortuneteller like as a joke, and casually told me she said that her or someone she knows is gonna die, nothing she said actually happened , but with the crap im in right now, im like , seriously.?!!