Hi everyone. So I obviously am new here. I have answered a few posts and have spent the day browsing this site to kind of get a feel of it. I have been looking for anxiety support groups for what seems like forever. Locally there aren't any, and if there are I have yet to find them. And if I do find it, I don't know if I could push myself to go.
I am a home maker and mother of 3 kids. I am 31 years old, so people always tell me "you're young, what do you have to be anxious about?" Or the "you don't work, you have nothing to be stressed or anxious about" and blah blah blah. People just do not understand and tell you or want you to just "get over it." A lot of people do not get the intrusive thoughts, the racing thoughts, rapid heart beat, the sweating, numbing or tingling hands, constant headaches, not being able to sleep, not being about to get out of bed, not being able to enjoy a beautiful day, the feeling that you're having a stroke or heart attack, they just flat out do not understand the struggle of functioning with anxiety, depression, and hypochondria. Coming across this site today has made me feel a little better. I am not the only who experiences these symptoms and the hardship of day to day struggles with anxiety.
I hope to continue to communicate here, maybe make some anxiety friends. Don't get me wrong, I have a great family and support at home, but they do not understand. I can be sitting next to my husband while I am having a bad day and he could be telling me everything is fine, but I will still feel alone because deep down I can feel how frustrating it is to him. I try to hide it a lot because my kids are young. They pick up on my moods. My middle child has anxiety and depression due to thyroid issues so I try to find tools that will not only help me, but myself. Luckily he has calmed down now that his thyroid levels are controlled. It's a terrible feeling to feel like I am not being there for my kids. I feel awful when they know I am having a bad day. I am their mother, they shouldn't worry about comforting me or being worried about me. That is my job.
Anyway, it's been very refreshing reading some posts. My heart is leaping with joy that I am NOT alone! My physical and mental symptoms are normal! Well normal for us.... I hope to make some friends here and if anyone needs an ear, I am here to listen as well. I do enjoy helping people too. Even if it's just to say "yes I understand" and I will actually mean it.