I have been going through anxiety for years now its has gotten worse over the course of a few years now ,it was something I only told certain people about now everyone in my life knows about it fmaily and friends and even at work. I feel like the people who should support me the most dont seem to understand what it feels like to have anxiety and the feel like i can just relax and make it go away but thats not always the case. I know im the but of the joke with some of them " family " alot of times im just so tired of it. I feel like i have know one. My mom helps me but then get upset with me and say im just not trying to make it go away. People dont understand anxiety till they have to deal with it.
No one understands : I have been going... - Anxiety and Depre...
No one understands

Hello Erica!
My family doesn’t truly understand my issues either because they don’t have them! For that, I’m grateful! It’s really hard for a “normal” person to understand the way we feel because they don’t experience the intense emotions that we do. Simple, everyday measures work for them almost effortlessly, while we struggle. This misunderstanding is not their fault, I believe, and they truly want to help, but don’t know how. That’s why I come here for support and turn to others suffering in the same way. It’s really not mandatory that my family and friends understand what I go through to help myself recover. Expecting them to understand is just frustrating and in the end, not helpful. Share with like-minded people and sit back and watch the amazement from your family and friends as you grow and succeed in front of their eyes 👀!! No help from them needed!

Yes thanks ,I do agree with you ,i spent so many days crying because I have know one to really understand and i feel like im letting myself and others down because of it.
Accept your limitations and work towards recovery...you can do it! Do it for you...🌷🙂🌷

Thanks, your awesome, its a struggle but i do want to over come it i use to drive without fear and after an almost accident on the highway it slow came on then i just avoided the highway and then after i went through some stress and my brother passing its been bad since
I can feel your desire to help yourself! Just take baby steps to get where you’re going...stay positive! ❤️
Hang in there erica. I know its hard when no one understands but unless they have suffered what we suffer they can not relate. There is hope for your recovery otherwise we would not all be here encouraging each other. I am sorry no one in your family understands. There are numerous people on this site that you can talk to and relate to.
Your not alone, yep it's horrible, all I can suggest to help, is try meditation,