WE REALLY ARE WHAT WE EAT: Like many... - Anxiety and Depre...

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MrZee profile image
14 Replies

Like many others, all my life I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety. Toss in a dysfunctional family into the mix. Today, I’m on two medications: Wellbutrin and Zoloft. They’re working, so that’s stable.

In the past 20 years my digestive system has grown more intolerant. To compensate, I’ve taken a lot of laxatives or anti-diarrheals.

In the last few months I’ve been dealing with bloating. It’s actually painful. Picture eating a hearty Thanksgiving meal and feeling extremely full. Now double or triple that. And that’s how intestinal bloating feels...painful.

So I’ve been to the doctor. She asked me what I’ve been eating. And I told her, “Basically, crap.” So she put her hands on my shoulders and looked me directly in the eye and said, “You have to change your diet. It’s a must. All processed foods have to go. Wheat, sugar, rice, and any gassy vegetables too.” Well , admittedly it’s been a challenge, but I’ve taken the plunge.

I’m happy to report eating “healthy” that the bloating is less severe and amazingly my depression -and- anxiety is much less! I had no idea that certain foods contributed to my depression.

It’s a challenge eating healthier. I have to check the labels on everything. It’s more expensive. And for the first time I’m going to Farmers Markets. But it’s totally worth it all. I haven’t felt this good mood and body wise for as long as I can remember.

Yes, we are what we eat.

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MrZee profile image
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14 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Thank you for sharing that confirmation in that we are what we eat.

I know better and yet I reach for the sweets. After reading your post

and the results you have had, I'm sure others will be rethinking how

important it is in what we put into our bodies. (and me too)

I'm happy that it is working for you. Have a great weekend Mr Zee :) xx

MrZee profile image
MrZee in reply to Agora1

Thanks Agora1. Let me tell you, it’s challenging and the temptation is there. But when I’m about to reach for the junk, I have to think of the consequences.

Plus, the best power I have is I don’t keep any junk food in the house. That’s a big no-no for me.

Have a great weekend too! ❤️


Woebegone profile image

True, but sadly, here in America it's not an option for many.

I personally can not eat healthier for numerous reasons.

First, it's too expensive. Prices are increasing due to Trumphole's tariffs and trade wars, so that's not helping. Trumphole also slashed my monthly food aid in half, so I have to resort to credit to survive each month, though my credit is almost fully maxed now, so soon I'll need to steal from the store, since I'm not going hungry.

Second, fresh/healthy foods only last two days for me. I can't eat fresh things after two days, they have to get thrown out. That means there's a need to go to the store constantly, and I can't do that due to my anxiety disorder. A few months ago it took 21 days before I could return to the store.

Third, you have to have the resources, appliances, health, and time to spend hours a day cooking. Know how they say, "Make in 30 minutes!" Yeah, they don't add in the time spent gathering ingredients, chopping, stirring, mixing, cleaning, measuring, etc. So that 30 minutes ends up being an hour or two. Every day? No thanks. Now add in having to functional dishwasher, making clean up nearly impossible (and requiring constantly buying new scrubbing brushes after a few uses, as they will be filthy). No proper utensils or cooking pans/pots, and no money to afford them. Top it off with a dash of back/leg pain trying to stand there, the boredom involved- the worst sensation mankind can experience, and trying to cook in an 89 degree environment because the air conditioning died. No, no, and no.

Unfortunately, due to corproate greed, we don't have "fast food" companies that sell truly healthy options. Imagine a fast food place that sells couscous and steamed vegetables at affordable prices. Won't ever happen though. It's more important for companies to profit than it is for citizens to be healthy.

MrZee profile image
MrZee in reply to Woebegone

Dear Woebegone,

You have every right to be angry with how things are today in this country. As for my anger (and I don’t want to get too much into politics here) but 46% of registered voters didn’t vote in the 2016 election which handed Trumphole the Presidency on a silver platter. More people need to vote. Period.

The food companies do anger me. They put more sh¡t in to today’s quick foods than ever. Yes, Profit over Humanity for them.

I miss drinking my Diet Cokes. I miss tossing my $3 Lean Cuisines into the microwave and 3 minutes later having a meal. I miss candy. I miss my Lucky Charms cereal. I miss bagels. I miss Milk. I miss my Starbucks frapachinos and so on.

But I have a choice: Eat crap and painfully bloat. Or take on the challenge of non-processed foods and feel better. Yes, it’s a pain in the ass going to the grocery store more often with my social anxiety. I go after hours when the clusterf’k crowds aren’t there. I also go to discount grocers. A lot of my non-processed staple foods I buy on Amazon for a fraction of the price and so on.

Basically, I choose to avoid the profiting food company’s toxicity and bs. And I have to tune out our government and not let them get me down.

I chose to be healthy, even if it’s a lot of work to keep myself from being bloated live a massively overinflated tire.

In life, it’s work to be happier and healthier but it sure pays off.



in reply to MrZee

Excellent points I believe to be 100% true. I tend to be all or nothing in my eating habits. Ive been “ off the wagon” for too long. I know what I need to do, I just need to compel myself to take the first step💜.

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to MrZee

Well, you are finding out that eating better is better for you. Buying a tub of oatmeal is a heck of a lot better than "Lucky Charms", and the fraps you were buying at Starbucks could be off-set, at least price wise and junk content with a regular small coffee there, drinking water is better than diet cokes, a large bag of frozen veggies is better than bagels and candy. I don't know how old you are or where you are from, but, as far as elections go, nothing was "handed on a silver platter" in my opinion. Why people continue to eat crap is beyond me, it's not expensive as another just said here, you just have to use your head to make some wiser decisions about it, if you're going to have 10 excuses with trying to eat better then you're really not into trying to eat better, and blaming it on politics won't cut it, it's really not that hard to do, actually, it's easy.

MrZee profile image
MrZee in reply to gbn_


I really do not appreciate your harsh criticism. If you look back, I was empathizing with replying to someone else’s reply.

I’m putting a lot of time and energy into shifting my diet after 60 years.

You don’t know what I’m now eating to help decrease my bloating. Of course I miss eating crap. I always will. But I certainly know the consequences if I ever do.

FYI, I’ve been eating oatmeal for breakfast for years. I’ve shifted from fraps to black coffee. I’ve tossed Diet Cokes and have been drinking water. And I eat veggies that are good for me. I’m fitting back into my clothes and feeling better physically and mentally.

Keep in mind this site is to empathize and support each other and not to dole harsh criticism. If you’re looking to compete in a non-supportive on-line pissing contest, might I suggest Facebook or Twitter. That may be more up your alley.

Other than that, please keep your lack of empathy to yourself.


gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to MrZee

Actually, I was being supportive, it's obviously in your opinion if it was "harsh criticism", when in actuality, it's true stuff. Sometimes we don't want to hear the right things, we're too much in a rut with our own decisions to want to change. So, with that being said, I guess you do see part of the light with eating better after all, don't you? The "harshness" seems to be coming from you. I have no idea just where your "pissing contest" phrase comes into this, but, I guess you're an expert at being up someone's alley.

Julietdream profile image
Julietdream in reply to Woebegone

You speak the truth,re: corporate greed..so many people don't really face up to this huge issue.

Food here in Britain is a bit better,and there are lots of farmers markets/stalls mostly in small towns& villages.

Urban areas like London& Liverpool,often have small businesses-for fruit&veg. co-operatives,&other low-cost community projects. Juliette

MrZee profile image
MrZee in reply to Julietdream

Thank you Julietdream,

I hear so many good things that food and eating habits in Europe are much better than the American diet.

I’ve been scoping out the fresher foods stores in my area. It’s a whole new world changing my diet. The good thing is that I’m feeling better.

I appreciate your kind response.



Kkimm profile image


Thanks for the post, good point well made

JLoInCali12 profile image


MrZee profile image
MrZee in reply to JLoInCali12

Wonderful article. Thank you! ❤️

JLoInCali12 profile image

If you can’t eat fresh fruits & veg then plain frozen is another option. Also, ancient grains like brown rice, wild rice, farrow & millet can be used in soups, salads, pilafs, porridge’s, etc., and they are high in protein & fibe, while being relatively low cost to purchase.

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