Has anyone here dealt with anxiety for years with no medication? I’ve dealt with anxiety for 8yrs and not once have I tried anxiety medication because of being afraid of the side effects. Now that my anxiety is worse than ever I’m kinda thinking on getting meds. My anxiety recently got worse cause I was afraid of getting anaphylaxis so I every time I ate I felt like I was gonna get an allergic reaction. Dumb right? But that’s how bad my thoughts were so do to that I felt like I couldn’t swallow felt like food was getting stuck in my throat so it’s been 3 weeks for me without eating just on liquid diet and from not eating my anxiety has been over the roof and doctors appointments almost everyday I just wish all of us suffering from panic and anxiety can get better soon it’s such a horrible feeling and symptoms 😔
Anxiety for years : Has anyone here... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety for years

Sounds like several of your key nutrient levels might be off. Deficiencies of the following nutrients: Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Vit D, Iron, Folic Acid & B complex vitamins can send your anxiety thru the roof. I have been fighting depression and anxiety for many years without meds. Having tests ran on the above nutrients + your thryroid & adrenal glands might be quite revealing. Proper sleep, diet & lifestyle changes such as 30 mins of light exercise per day and 15 to 30 min of sunshine on your face in the morning could do wonders for you. But, remember, I am not a doctor. I am person who has self treated with natural supplements for more than 20 years. Okay?
Thank you so much for your reply and your right not eating is probably giving me vitamin deficiency i had lab drawn today I’m just waiting on results hope everything comes back good but I’m slowly starting to eat like today I ate a chicken soup it did upset my stomach a little bit but I have to try little by little.
Agreed. A balanced diet of protein. fiber & complex carbs is very helpful. Green vegetables are recommended too, though I don't like them. But, if you work your way slowly to that type of diet + 30 min of exercise, some sun + correct your deficiencies (potassium, magnesium & vit d are sometimes a block group of deficiencies), you might be able to eventually control your anxiety somewhere in the 60 to 80% range. Counseling, good friends, family & keeping yourself busy (especially keeping your mind busy) can largely take care of the rest. When I first started, it took 2 years for me to work up to that. So, be patient and go at the best speed that doesn't add more stress to you. I will pray for you too, as spiritual peace is necessary to help this process along. Have as blessed of a day as you can!
FYI: Most doctors hate nutritional supplements and try to push meds first. But keep in mind that the doctor works for you, You have a right to be treated the way you want to. Finally, be on the lookout for any serious symptoms that might require meds or emergency treatment. I'm available for general discussions, supplement help & anything else you want to or need to talk about. Wishing you well!
Hi remember that all meds can have side effects even paracetomal and you wouldn't think twice about taking those would you. Manufacturers have to list every possible side effect but the chances are you either wouldn't have any or they would be very common and slight. if meds can reduce your anxiety enough so you could eat better then it would be worth it.
One of my sisters didn't take meds or work on herself and ended up suffering for years with the lump in the throat so she could only eat certain things. Thankfully now she is starting to emerge from it a bit. The lump is caused by anxiety and you need to do things to lessen yours. How about some counselling too? x
Wooow so Im not the only one feeling it I even got an upper endoscopy cause I thought I had something stuck and it came back normal thankfully 😅 I had my first session of counseling but it was kore like an intake where they just here u out which didn’t really help but they said on next weeks session it’ll be different hopefully
Oh my sister had all these tests many times and they always came back normal. She has been dying since she was 18 and is now 70! She will outlive me and the rest of my sisters x
Oh woow she’s a very strong person and what does she do to help her anxiety
She doesn't which is my point. She still thinks she is dying. She developed agoraphobia in her 30's coz she didn't deal with her anxiety, which is very severe today and she can't leave her home except to run to the shop across the road then scurry back again as quickly as possible.
She spends most of her time watching tv on her own and is obsessed with the shopping channels. x
Wooow Im impressed well I’ve heard that anxiety is just a work out for your heart it’s not dangerous