I’m dying inside. This break up is eating me alive. I started a new job two weeks ago and I can’t focus. The job is such a good opportunity but I’m messing it up because I can’t think about anything but the break up and how fucked I am in terms of finances. She left me with a mess. Now I’m at my parents. She’s saying doesn’t want to give me my dog. My bank account is overdrawn by hundreds and hundreds of dollars. She was bad with money and I was trying to keep us a float. But with the new job I haven’t had a paycheck in over 3 weeks.
She was my best friend. Theres hole in my heart. What will I do? Together 3 years. I’ve been blindsided. I know sometimes my anxiety and depression made me hard to deal with at times. Panic attacks and being irritable towards her. But I never cheated or lied or hit or put her down. I always supported her. I tried to do my best for us. I love her so much. I never laughed with anyone more. She’s my whole heart. Please help me.