Hey guys, just wanting some input here about medications for anxiety and depression! I have currently been on 100mg Zoloft for seven years, for the most part I can say it has helped me a great deal, I went through what I call a mental break down right before I took it and I was hopeless and just wanted to die, living how I was living just was not worth it. Anyways not until recently I started experiencing a lot more anxiety again, don't get me wrong I would still have little panic attacks, and actually be anxious for a week but was able to eventually get out! I have been almost at a constant state of anxiety at some point everyday, my trigger is my health and I am a ER nurse...:riddle me that? Anyways, just wondering if anyone has had this happen, and if they had switched medications with success after being on one for so long. My doctor seems too think that there is not much success when doing this...I'm just so tired of feeling awful , as I know you all know! Also, anyone take multiple meds with success? I've also got Ativan for panic attacks but rarely take them unless I have the impending doom feeling! Ugh anyways any input much appreciated!!
Much love!!!